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PROMAMEDS 2012 : Processing and Managing Medical Data Streams


When Jun 20, 2012 - Jun 22, 2012
Where Rome, Italy
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2012
Notification Due Mar 15, 2012
Final Version Due Apr 10, 2012
Categories    ehealth   data streams

Call For Papers

PROMAMEDS 2012 - Processing and Managing Medical Data Streams

in conjunction with the
CBMS 2012 - International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System
Rome, Italy - June 20th-22nd, 2012


The goal of this special track is to convene researchers who deal with
processing and management of data streams and/or deal with clinical
scenarios where data is produced as a continuous stream. This track will
try to gather researchers from both fields in order to boost research
results in clinical settings.


Computer-based medical systems are facing a new challenge, created by
the rapid growth in information science and technology in general and
the complexity and volume of data in particular. Medical settings are
using sensors and networks of health information systems to integrate
data from patients, which requires storage, processing and management
operators to enable further analysis and knowledge discovery. The main
issue is that this data production often takes the form of high-speed
continuous flows of data, i.e. data streams. Medical domains include
several settings where data is produced in a streaming fashion, such as
anatomical and physiological sensors, or incidence records and health
information systems. Medical data streams become widespread and call for
development of intelligent tools for making use of these data.

Dealing with continuous, and possibly infinite, flows of data require
different approaches for data processing and management. Particular
issues to address include summarization of infinite data,
resource-awareness, real-time monitoring of changes and recurrences,
etc. This is an incremental task that requires incremental algorithms
that integrate very large data bases in medical domains. Furthermore,
medical domains introduce extra peculiarities to the problem. For
example, health information systems now deal with heterogeneous data
sources, possibly distributed across healthcare institutions. Moreover,
this data integration requirement yields possibly privacy-preserving
issues, the same time it forces the system to take time, resources, and
costs into consideration. However, adoption and development of tailored
techniques for medical stream mining and clinical decision support is
still to come.

The goal of this special track is to bring together experts in data
stream processing interested in medical applications and medical domain
experts interested in timely analysis of their data streams for clinical
decision support.


The topics include but are not restricted to:

- Processing anatomical or physiological sensor data streams
- Processing and managing data streams for healthcare
- Integrating biomedical signals and electronic health records
- Integrated health information data streams
- Adaptive health information systems
- Medical data stream models
- Mobile and ubiquitous medical data streams
- Data streams integration in intensive care units
- Remote monitoring of patients in hospital and ambulatory settings
- Process mining from medical data streams
- Case reports of medical scenarios where data is produced in a stream
- Real-time and real-world applications using streaming medical data
- Languages and ontologies for medical stream query
- Knowledge discovery from medical data streams


Submission: 15 Jan 2012
Notification: 15 Mar 2012
Camera-ready: 10 Apr 2012
Registration: 10 Apr 2012
Symposium: 20-22 Jun 2012


Papers should be submitted electronically using CBMS EasyChair online
submission system at

Prospective authors for this track should choose the "Processing and
Managing Medical Data Streams" special track, when submitting a paper.

Please refer to the general webpage of CBMS 2012 for submission
guidelines at

Selected papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers for
elegibility and quality. Special track papers should report on
significant unpublished work, and are required to meet the same
standards of the general track.

Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, edited and
published by IEEE Press. At least one co-author of an accepted track
paper should be present at CBMS 2012, and has to register before the
10th of April, 2012.


Pedro Pereira Rodrigues - University of Porto, Portugal

Mohamed Medhat Gaber - University of Portsmouth, UK

Carolyn McGregor - University of Ontario, Canada


Please refer to the track website: for a
complete and updated list of members.

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