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When Jun 27, 2012 - Jun 29, 2012
Where Bilbao, Spain
Submission Deadline Mar 29, 2012
Notification Due Apr 30, 2012
Final Version Due May 15, 2012
Categories    ambient assisted living   aal   ambient intelligence

Call For Papers


AAL SUMMIT 2012. Market and Policy Development for an Aging Society Conference.

"New Avenues to fill the gap between Health and Welfare Demands and Effective ICT Solutions"

27 - 29 June 2012
Bilbao, Spain



March 29, 2012: Full papers submission deadline
April 30, 2012: Acceptance Notification
May 15, 2012: Camera ready papers and registration
June 27-29, 2012: Conference


This conference is focused on the market and policy development aspects of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme. The main theme of the AAL
SUMMIT 2012 conference is "New Avenues to fill the gap between Health and Welfare Demands and Effective ICT Solutions". The main objective of this
conference is to address the mismatches between Policy and Technology in order to enable the deployment of AAL solutions at scale.

The aim is to provide a detailed identification of the different market barriers that impede the deployment of AAL solutions and that prevent their
use by the majority of citizens having need of them. For the AAL market to succeed new procedures and ways to overcome these market barriers need to
be found so that the AAL products and solutions as commercially available as mainstream products are. At the same time new policies need to be
designed that remove these market barriers. Finally, an analysis of the real needs of potential buyers and end-users will contribute to avoid
mismatches between offered products and demand.

The AAL SUMMIT 2012 conference will bring together all the stakeholders in the AAL domain, such as investors, entrepreneurs, industry, innovators,
health-care providers, health-care professionals, associations, social workers, formal and informal caregivers, elderly associations, medical
industry, end-users (older adults and other citizens), researchers and policy makers. This conference will provide them with a unique forum to
exchange best practices and knowledge and to discuss the way to develop further and faster the emerging market of products and services for an active
and healthy ageing.

The conference is a unique opportunity to raise your profile and make connections with leaders in different health and social care contexts and to
share best practices already deployed in different regions of Europe. The plenary sessions, the parallel tracks structured in different formats
depending on the topics to be addressed, and the building networks will be an integral part of this conference.

AAL SUMMIT 2012 invites participants to present and discuss their experiences from different perspectives around the development and deployment of AAL
solutions and products. The call for contributions is open, but not limited, to the following topics:
* Developing New Markets: Social Innovation and Emergent Countries
- New models in social care
- The role and importance of professional and informal caregivers
- Heterogeneous networking
- Social Innovation in practice: real examples
* Policies and Cooperation Strategies
- Improving Public Funding processes and procedures
- Public pre-procurement related to health systems
- Public/private partnerships
- Support of networks of business angels
- Mechanisms to address the fragmentation of the EU market
- Cost-effectiveness assessment of Health systems
- Impact of ICTs on new health-care models
- Organisations of Patients, Red Cross, Social services: how to collaborate
* New paradigms in homecare and user empowerment
- Patient-centred health and welfare care: needs of the users
- Stakeholder analysis
- Client-oriented health Services
- Frailty and its implications
* AAL and regions: Basque Country best practices
- Basque country best practices
- Exemplary Case-studies in European regions
- Pioneering Basque Initiatives
- Meta-studies of cultural obstacles and leverage points


Contributions should be submitted electronically and instructions will be posted on the AAL SUMMIT 2012 website. Full papers are typically 8 pages,
and 1 page abstracts can only be submitted for the poster sessions. The AAL SUMMIT 2012 programme committee will select and approve the contributions.
Once your contribution is approved, you will be invited to register as participant. Accepted papers will be published in Conference Proceedings.

*** CONTACT ***
For information relating to the Call for Papers
please contact:
Scientific Contact for the Management of the Call for Papers:

Carmen Pastor
European Market Director
Health Technologies Unit - TECNALIA

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