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IWCPS 2020 : 7th International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems


When Sep 6, 2020 - Sep 9, 2020
Where Sofia, Bulgaria
Submission Deadline Jul 3, 2020
Notification Due Aug 1, 2020
Final Version Due Aug 14, 2020
Categories    embedded systems   cyber-physical systems   real-time systems

Call For Papers

The IEEE Software Engineering Workshop (SEW) is the oldest Software Engineering event in the world, dating back to 1969. The workshop was originally run as the NASA Software Engineering Workshop and focused on software engineering issues relevant to NASA and the space industry. After the 25th edition, it became the NASA/IEEE Software Engineering Workshop and expanded its remit to address many more areas of software engineering with emphasis on practical issues, industrial experience and case studies in addition to traditional technical papers. Since its 31st edition, it has been sponsored by IEEE and has continued to broaden its areas of interest.

One such extremely hot new area are Cyber-physical Systems (CPS), which encompass the investigation of approaches related to the development and use of modern software systems interfacing with real world and controlling their surroundings. CPS are physical and engineering systems closely integrated with their typically networked environment. Modern airplanes, automobiles, or medical devices are practically networks of computers. Sensors, robots, and intelligent devices are abundant. Human life depends on them. CPS systems transform how people interact with the physical world just like the Internet transformed how people interact with one another.

The joint workshop aims to bring together all those researchers with an interest in software engineering, both with CPS and broader focus. Traditionally, these workshops attract industrial and government practitioners and academics pursuing the advancement of software engineering principles, techniques and practices. This joint edition will also provide a forum for reporting on past experiences, for describing new and emerging results and approaches, and for exchanging ideas on best practice and future directions.

The workshop aims to bring together all those with an interest in software engineering. Traditionally, the workshop attracts industrial and government practitioners and academics pursuing the advancement of software engineering principles, techniques and practice. The workshop provides a forum for reporting on past experiences, for describing new and emerging results and approaches, and for exchanging ideas on best practice and future directions.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Experiments and experience reports
Software quality assurance and metrics
Formal methods and formal approaches to software development
Software engineering processes and process improvement
Agile and lean methods
Requirements engineering
Software architectures
Design methodologies
Validation and verification
Software maintenance, reuse, and legacy systems
Agent-based software systems
Self-managing systems
New approaches to software engineering (e.g., search based software engineering)
Software engineering issues in cyber-physical systems
Real-time software engineering
Safety assurance & certification
Software security
Embedded control systems and networks
Software aspects of the Internet of Things
Software engineering education, laboratories and pedagogy
Software engineering for social media

Related Resources

IEEE ICPS 2025   8th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS)
MathSJ 2025   Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal
CPSIoT 2025   13th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
BDML 2025   6th International Conference on Big Data and Machine Learning
18th IEEE MCSoC 2025   18th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip
BDAP 2025   6th International Conference on Big Data and Applications
ACM SaT-CPS 2025   ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems
EEIJ 2025   Electrical Engineering: An International Journal
VERDI 2025   3rd International Workshop on Verification & Validation of Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems
VLSIE 2025   6th International Conference on VLSI & Embedded Systems