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Advances in HPC for AI 2019 : Elsevier JPDC - Special Issue on Advances on Parallel and High Performance Computing for AI Applications


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Submission Deadline Nov 30, 2018
Categories    high performance computing   machine learning   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

CFP Elsevier JPDC - Special Issue on Advances on Parallel and High Performance Computing for AI Applications

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have grown substantially in popularity in recent years. Much research has been done in both academia and industry, with applications in many areas. For example, deep learning has achieved superhuman performance in image classification. AI/ML have been used to play games such as Chess, Go, Atari and Jeopardy very successfully. In addition, many companies have being using AI and ML in areas such as health care, natural resource management and advertisement.

Most of the AI/ML technologies and applications require heavy use of high performance computers and accelerators. Consequently, High Performance Computing (HPC) is a key component of these systems. Clusters of computers and accelerators (e.g. GPUs) are routinely used to train and run models, both in research and production. On the other hand, ML and AI have also become a "killer application" for HPC and, consequently, have driven much of research in this area. For example, tailored computer architecture has been devised and new parallel programming frameworks developed to accelerate AI/ML models. The objective of this special issue is to bring together the HPC and AI/ML communities to present their applications and solutions to performance issues, and also to present how AI/ML can be used to solve HPC problems.

This is an open call for contributions. Authors are invited to submit papers to this special issue on themes related to the interplay of HPC and AI/ML. A selection of papers from the High Performance Machine Learning Workshop (HPML2018) will be invited to submit extended versions with at least 40% of new material to be considered for this special issue.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Machine learning (including deep learning) models
Large-scale machine learning applications
Statistical models
Large-scale data analytics
Machine learning applied to HPC
Accelerated Machine Learning
HPC applied to Machine Learning
Benchmarking, performance measurements, and analysis of ML models
Hardware acceleration for ML and AI
Parallel ML and AI models
HPC infrastructure and resource management for ML
Novel HPC architecture for AI/ML

Research articles must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All articles will be peer reviewed and accepted based on quality, originality, novelty, and relevance to the special issue.

Please select article type name of "VSI: Advances in HPC for AI" during submission process at

Submission deadline of Nov 30, 2018

Leading Guest Editor:

Marcos Dias de Assuncao

Guest Editors:

Eduardo Rocha Rodrigues
IBM Research

Bruno Raffin

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