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LDCL 2019 : The Second International Conference on Landmine: Detection, Clearance and Legislations


When Apr 3, 2019 - Apr 5, 2019
Where Beirut, Lebanon
Submission Deadline Feb 1, 2019
Notification Due Feb 15, 2019
Final Version Due Feb 22, 2019
Categories    engineering   applications   safety   signal processing

Call For Papers

You are invited to participate in The Second International Conference on Landmine: Detection, Clearance and Legislations (LDCL2019) that will be held in Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese University, Campus of Hadath, Beirut, Lebanon on April 3-5, 2019. The event will be held over three days, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures.

The conference welcome papers on the following (but not limited to) research topics:

Landmine Detection

Global Ban on Landmines
Policies on Anti-personnel Mines
Production, stockpiling and transfer
Land, ocean, atmosphere and space sensors
Signal processing and analysis
Detection and decision
Anti-personnel mines
Landmine problem and mine action
Landmine incidents and casualties
Landmine resource centers for mine awareness
Legal Aspects of the Landmine Issue
Landmine-free Zones
Landmines and Mines
Mine Detection and Sensing Technologies
Signal communication
Anti-vehicle mines
Landmine issues
Landmine Contamination
Landmine survivor assistance
Landmine impact survey and assessments

Landmine Clearance

Use of Animals, Insects and Bacteria
Landmine Clearance Technologies and standards
Robots and Humanitarian Demining
Tracking Survivors and Documenting Experiences
Landmine sweepers
Landmine training courses
Undertaking Mines Awareness
Manual Demining
Mechanical demining
Emergency Care for Landmine Survivors
Radar and Electromagnetic Waves
Funding for Landmine Clearance and Victim Assistance
Landmine detonation techniques
Landmine protection and design

Landmine Legislations

Mine Ban Policy
Monitoring Landmine Convention
Ratification and National implementation
Prohibition of Antipersonnel Mines Production
Case studies in National Implementation
Landmine Ban Initiative
Amendments to the Landmine Protocol
Convention on antipersonnel mines destruction
International Campaign to Ban Landmines

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