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ELIE 2013 : Education and Learning Issues in Entrepreneurship


When Jul 3, 2013 - Jul 5, 2013
Where Athens
Submission Deadline Mar 10, 2013
Notification Due Apr 14, 2013
Final Version Due May 19, 2013
Categories    entrepreneurship   education   learning   innovation

Call For Papers

The workshop aims to bring together scholars from both Entrepreneurship and Education to address issues on understanding and promoting entrepreneurship. A priority of the field is the development of entrepreneurial theory along with innovative instruction to facilitate formal or informal entrepreneurial learning. A theory for entrepreneurship requires understanding of personal and societal factors as well as appropriate modeling. Challenges in entrepreneurship education include the design of relevant courses and the development of instruction that fosters innovation and business venturing. The workshop will consider themes such as: entrepreneurial learning, entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship and lifelong learning. We invite papers which address:

Practical learning of entrepreneurs and its relationship to learning theories;
Learning associated with entrepreneurial decision making and beliefs;
Learning as a component for entrepreneurship theory development;
Entrepreneurial competencies and traits of habitual, latent, nascent or expert entrepreneurs;
Entrepreneurial competencies for entrepreneurship education and training;
Entrepreneurial career counselling;
Entrepreneurial curricula in different contexts, countries, groups and levels of education;
Innovative instruction and learning activities;
The impact of entrepreneurship education and training;
Entrepreneurship as a capacity for lifelong learning;
Entrepreneurship in the context of vocational training;
Entrepreneurship and priorities for personal and career development.

The previous subjects indicate but not exhaust the relevance of education and learning to entrepreneurship. The main aim of the workshop is to discuss how recent developments in entrepreneurship studies explain business venturing and how they advance the fostering of entrepreneurial mindsets through teaching.

Important Dates

Abstract submission: March 10
Notification of acceptance: April 14
Full paper submission: May 19
Early registration: April 30
Late registration: May 29

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