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BSB 2018 : Brazilian Symposium on BioinformaticsConference Series : Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://bsb2018.ic.uff.br/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
BSB 2018 - OCT.30-NOV.1 - 2018 - RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL http://bsb2018.ic.uff.br/ bsb2018@ic.uff.br The Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics 2018 will take place in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct.30-Nov.1, 2018. BSB provides a general forum for presentation and discussion of original research on COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, BIOINFORMATICS and SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. BSB 2018 would like to attract contributions from academic and industrial researchers, both in the exact sciences (computer science, mathematics and statistics) and in the life sciences (molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, medicine, microbiology and others). As in past years, BSB 2018 will accept both full papers (for oral presentation) and short papers, as well as abstracts (to be presented as posters). Proceedings containing accepted full papers will be published as a volume in the Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics series, from Springer. We also expect to have best papers invited for revised and expanded submission to a special issue in an international bioinformatics journal. Topics include (but are not limited to): - Molecular Sequence Analysis, Motifs, and Pattern Matching - Biological Databases, Data Management and Data Integration - Biological Data Mining and Machine Learning - Structural and Functional Genomics - Comparative Genomics - Protein Structure and Modeling - Gene Identification, Regulation and Expression - Gene Networks - Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics - Computational Systems Biology - Computational Proteomics - Statistical Analysis of Molecular Sequences - Big data applications and visualization in bioinformatics DATES May 4, 2018: full paper submission opens June 25, 2018: deadline for full paper submission Oct.30-Nov.1, 2018: BSB 2018 -------------- Program Committee Chair Ronnie Alves (ITV, UFPA) Local Organizing Committee Chair Luis Antonio Kowada (IC-UFF) -------------- Program Committee Alexander Schliep (Gothenburg University) Alexandre Rossi Paschoal (UTFPR) André Kashiwabara (UTFPR) André Ponce de Leon Carvalho (ICMC-USP) Annie Chateau (Université Montpellier 2, LIRMM) César M. Vargas Benítez (UTFPR) Danielle Couto (UFPA) Duncan Ruiz (PUCRS) Eduardo Reis (IQ-USP) Emanuel Maltempi de Souza (UFPR) Eric Rivals (Université Montpellier 2, LIRMM) Fabrício Martins Lopes (UTFPR) Felipe Louza (USP) Fernando Luis Barroso da Silva (FCFRP-USP) Guilherme Oliveira (ITV) Guilherme Telles (UNICAMP) Ivan Gesteira Costa (RWTH Aachen University) Jefferson Magalhães (UFPA) Jens Stoye (Bielefeld University) João Setubal (IQ-USP) Jose Luiz Rybarczyk Filho (IBB-UNESP) Kleber Padovani de Souza (UFPA) Laurent Brehelin (Université Montpellier 2, LIRMM) Luciana Montera (UFMS) Luciano Digiampietri (EACH-USP) Luis Antonio Kowada (IC-UFF) Luis Felipe Ignacio Cunha (UFRJ) Marcelo Brigido (UNB) Marcilio de Souto (Université d’Orléans) Marcio Dorn (UFRGS) Maria Emilia Walter (UNB) Mariana Recamonde Mendoza (UFRGS) Marilia Braga (Bielefeld University) Nalvo F. Almeida Jr (UFMS) Natália Florencio Martins (EMPRAPA) Regiane Kawasaki (UFPA) Rommel Ramos (UFPA) Ronnie Alves (ITV, UFPA) Said Adi (UFMS) Sergio Campos (UFMG) Sergio Lifschitz (PUC-Rio) Sergio Pantano (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo) Tainá Raiol (FIOCRUZ) Therese Commes (Université Montpellier 2, IRMB) |