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WoHS 2012 : Workshop on HPC Services


When Sep 27, 2012 - Sep 29, 2012
Where Timisoara
Submission Deadline Jul 20, 2012
Notification Due Aug 15, 2012
Final Version Due Sep 1, 2012
Categories    HPC   high performnace computing   cluster computing   parallel computing

Call For Papers



Workshop on HPC Services


September 27-29, 2012, Timisoara, Romania
in conjunction with SYNASC 2012

The event is built upon three distinct parts:
* an HPC training,
* regular sessions of the workshop,
* a Grid tutorial.


The purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the state-of-the-art in high-performance
scientific computing with applications and various fields, like environment, chemistry, physics etc.
Thus, the presentations will focus on applications needing high-performance computing, physical
modeling of large-scale problems, and the development of scalable algorithms for solving large
scale problems on modern parallel and distributed high-performance computing platforms,
including multicore architectures, GPGPUs/GPUs, and clusters. Furthermore, during
the workshop the participants will have the opportunity to discuss and share the latest
research in parallel and distributed high performance computing systems applied to scientific problems.
The emphasis of this workshop will be on running complex realistic applications
at sustained performance in production-grade HPC environments.
Scalability studies of complex computing codes on HPC platforms and the tools and
development environments facilitating improved scalability are among the expected contributions.


Specific topics for this workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:

Multicore/manycore architectures in scientific applications
GPU support for applications
Cluster, Grid and Cloud Computing in scientific applications
Parallelization of compute- or data-intensive tasks in scientific applications
Data handling, integration and visualization in scientific applications
Distributed infrastructures for scientific applications
Programming paradigms for high-performance computing in scientific applications
Tools and programming environments supporting high-performance computing in scientific applications
Scheduling in high-performance computing for scientific applications
Workflow management and remote collaboration in scientific applications
System level support for high-performance computing in scientific applications
Fault-tolerance of distributed scientific applications
Scalability of infrastructures and applications in scientific applications


Full paper submissions: 20 July 2012
Notifications: 15 August 2012
Revised papers and registrations: 1 Sept 2012
Event: 28-29 Sept 2012
Publication of selected papers in IEEE proceedings of SYNASC 2012: Jan 2013
Extended version of selected papers for SCPE: Feb 2013
Notifications: March 2013
Publication of selected papers in SCPE: April 2013


Up to 8 pages IEEE CS format.
Follow the links from SYNASC Workshops 2012.

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