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HPC-ST 2016 : Workshop on HPC for Science and Technology


When Sep 24, 2016 - Sep 25, 2016
Where Timisoara
Submission Deadline Jun 25, 2016
Notification Due Aug 1, 2016
Final Version Due Sep 4, 2016
Categories    high performance computing

Call For Papers


Workshop on HPC for Science and Technology

in conjunction with SYNASC 2016

24-27 September 2016


The purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the state-of-the-art in implementing
high-performance services with applications in different domains, such as environment,
climate, chemistry, physics, biology, cultural heritage etc. The contributions should
focus on applications needing high-performance computing, physical modeling of
large-scale problems, and the development of scalable algorithms for solving large
scale problems on modern parallel and distributed high-performance computing platforms,
including multicore architectures, GPGPUs/GPUs, and clusters. Scalability studies of
complex computing codes on HPC platforms and the tools and development environments
facilitating improved scalability are also among the expected contributions.

Furthermore, during the workshop the participants will have the opportunity to discuss
and share the latest research in parallel and distributed high performance computing systems
applied to scientific and technical problems. The emphasis of this workshop will be
on running complex realistic applications at sustained performance in production-grade
HPC environments but also on the transfer of HPC expertise toward industry, particularly SMEs.

Specific topics for this workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:
+ Multicore/manycore architectures
+ GPU support for applications
+ Parallelization of compute or data-intensive tasks
+ Data handling, integration and visualization in HPC
+ Tools and programming environments supporting high performance computing
+ Scheduling in high performance computing
+ Workflow management and remote collaboration for scientific applications
+ Benchmarks and mini-apps for new parallel programming models/languages
+ Runtime support for communication optimization: data-locality management, caching, and pre-fetching
+ Management and monitoring of runtime systems in dynamic environments.
+ System level support for high performance computing
+ Performance tools using programming model abstractions
+ Fault tolerance in parallel computing
+ Scalability of infrastructures and applications
+ Energy-aware algorithms and programming
+ Big Data and HPC integrated software stack
+ Problem-solving environments for large data
+ HPC applications in/for:
– climate modelling and weather forecasting
– remote sensing data processing
– biological and health data processing
– content management systems and digital libraries

Workshop Chairs:
Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Programme Committee:
George Gravvanis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ioannis Liabotis, GRNET, Greece
Ralf-Peter Mundani, Technische Universität München, Germany
Thomas Rauber, University Bayreuth, Germany
Emil Slusanschi, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Roman Wyrzykowski, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland

+ Submission of papers: June 25, 2016
+ Notification of acceptance: August 1, 2016
+ Registration: September 4, 2016
+ Final paper: September 4, 2016
+ Revised papers for post-proceedings: November, 2016

Submission system:
Papers presenting original results are welcomed.
The papers selected according to their evaluation for presentations and publication
will be included in SYNASC proceedings, published by IEEE Conference Publishing Service.
The papers should have maximum 8 pages in CPS Format submitted
in the Easychair account of SYNASC workshops.
Details about the format is available on SYNASC 2016 pages.

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