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ICDM 2015 : ICDM 2015 Student Travel Grants


When Nov 14, 2015 - Nov 17, 2015
Where Atlantic City, NJ, USA
Submission Deadline Sep 25, 2015
Categories    data mining   machine learning   pattern recognition   databases

Call For Papers

Student Travel Awards

ICDM 2015 Student Travel Grants

ICDM 2015 is able to offer travel grants to full-time students. The purpose of the student travel grants is to encourage graduate student participation at the conference by partially funding the costs of students who would otherwise be unable to attend.

Applications are accepted from full-time students at degree granting institutions. The maximum amount and type of support provided to each grantee are set by the committee, and they are intended to partially cover the grantee's lodging and registration. Travel may or may not be partially covered depending on the total availability of funds and the number of awards given.

All full-time students are encouraged to apply. Other criteria will include evidence of a serious interest in data mining research, as demonstrated by coursework and project experience. ICDM encourages participation of women and under-represented minorities, as well as participation of students from under-represented institutions.

Information is provided below on eligibility and application requirements for these grants. The required documentation should be submitted as a single document, no later than midnight US PST, September 25, 2015, at in PDF format. Late submissions or documents in other formats will not be accepted.

What is covered
The maximum amount of support provided to each grantee is set by the committee, and it is intended to partially cover the grantee's lodging and registration. Travel may or may not be partially covered depending on the total availability of funds and the number of awards given.

How to apply
Students interested in apply for travel grants should submit an application (as one PDF file) that includes:
1. A CV that indicates the institution where the individual is currently studying / working,

2. A letter from the applicant including:
a) A brief statement of the applicant’s research interests, accomplishments, and future research plans,
b) A description of how the grant will help them with their research plans, and
c) Any information that the student feels relevant for supporting their application, including title of the paper and names and affiliations of the co-authors if the student is an author

3. A recommendation letter from the student’s advisor supporting the application. The letter should include:
a) Confirmation that the applicant was a student in good standing at the time the paper was submitted to ICDM,
b) A description of how the applicant will benefit from attending ICDM, and
c) An explanation of why the student is in need of the travel grant.

The documents should be merged and uploaded as a single PDF file. All applications using other formats will be rejected.
Upload the document at The Title of the application should be "ICDM 2015 travel grant application".

The deadline is midnight US PST, September 25, 2015.

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