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AI SEPS 2018 : 5th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Empirical Methods for Software Engineering and Parallel Computing Systems


When Nov 6, 2018 - Nov 6, 2018
Where Boston
Submission Deadline Aug 17, 2018
Categories    high-performance computing   machine learning and ai   parallel programming   tools and environments

Call For Papers

Call for Paper
The 5th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Empirical Methods for Software Engineering and Parallel Computing Systems (AI-SEPS)
(Co-located with SPLASH 2018)

November 6, 2018, Boston, USA.

General Scope:
The purpose of this workshop is to provide a stable forum for researchers and practitioners dealing with compelling challenges and issues of the software development life cycle on modern parallel platforms and HPC systems. The increased complexity of parallel applications on modern parallel platforms (e.g. multicore/manycore, distributed/hybrid systems) requires more insight into engineering of parallel software for targeting the underlying parallel systems. Rapidly emerging artificial intelligence-related technologies and their application to software engineering and parallel computing systems will be promising approaches to tackle these issues as well as approaches using traditional empirical and experimental methods, so the acronym AI-SEPS reflects a change from previous editions with emphasis placed on this trend. We aim to advance the state of the art in all aspects of techniques on software engineering and parallel computing systems such as requirements engineering and software specification; design and implementation; program analysis; performance analysis, profiling and tuning; testing and debugging.

Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* AI and machine learning for parallel programming and high-performance computing
* Software analytics for parallel programs
* Tools and environments for all aspects of engineering parallel software and their enhancement through AI-related technologies
* High-performance deep learning
* Design of parallel programs and parallel design patterns
* Software development process and requirement engineering of parallel software
* Parallel software architectures
* Performance modeling techniques on parallel systems
* Profiling and event trace analysis
* Refactoring and reengineering
* Performance analysis and auto-tuning
* Energy-efficient parallel computing
* Testing and debugging of parallel applications
* Case studies and experience reports

The workshop welcomes the following types of submissions:
* “Work in progress” - abstract submissions (max. 800 words)
* Position papers (max. 2 pages) and short papers (max. 4 pages) including:
- Industrial and practical experiences
- Tool presentations/demonstration
- Early results & novel ideas without a comprehensive/extensive evaluation
- Preliminary and exploratory work with unconventional approaches or wild and crazy ideas
* Original, unpublished regular papers on current research (max. 10 pages)

Especially, we encourage work in progress or early-stage works as abstract submissions, which could be accepted for the presentation at the workshop without including in the proceedings publication. A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the major results and conclusions (max. 800 words). Also presentation of the position papers on ongoing research are central in AI SEPS 2018, and could be accepted for the formal proceeding publications in the ACM Digital Library by the peer-review process (in addition to short papers and long papers).

Submission: Papers and abstracts submitted to AI SEPS 2018 must not have been published or simultaneously submitted anywhere else. Contributions should be submitted electronically in PDF format.

For further information, please check the format instructions for authors:
All of paper submissions must be done using the submission site:

Publication: All accepted papers will be published in as formal proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.
Keynote presentation: TBA
Registration: Authors of accepted papers are expected to register and present their papers at the Workshop.

Note that AI SEPS 2018 presenters are eligible to apply for the PAC Fund:

Important Dates:
Paper submission: August 17, 2018
Acceptance notification: TBA
Camera ready due: TBA
Workshop Day: November 6, 2018

Pablo de Oliveira Castro (University of Versailles, France)
Ali Jannesari (Iowa State University, USA)
Yukinori Sato (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)
Michael Ringenburg, Cray, Inc., USA

Program Committee members:
Ehsan Atoofian, Lakehead University, Canada
Victor Lee, Intel, USA
Michael Philippsen, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Massimo Torquati, University of Pisa, Italy
Siegfried Benkner, University of Vienna, Austria
Zhiyuan Li, Purdue University, USA
Jeff Carver, University of Alabama, USA
Christoph Kessler, Linkoping University, Sweden
Jeremy Bradbury, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Xinghui Zhao, Washington State University, USA
Akihiro Hayashi, Rice University, USA
Keiji Kimura, Waseda University, Japan
Roberto Natella, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Hoan Nguyen, Iowa State University, USA
Stefan Winter, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Parth Malani, Facebook, USA
Eric Petit, Intel France, France
Elisabeth Brunet, Telecom SudParis, France
Alexandra Jimborean, Uppsala University, Sweden
Korbinian Molitorisz, Agilent Technologies, Germany
Philip Roth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Masatomo Hashimoto, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan

Contact SEPS 2018 Organizing Committee ( with any
questions or concerns.

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