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HPG 2010 : High Performance Graphics


When Jun 25, 2010 - Jun 27, 2010
Where Saarbrücken, Germany
Submission Deadline Apr 9, 2010
Notification Due May 8, 2010
Final Version Due May 12, 2010
Categories    computer graphics   HPC

Call For Papers

We invite original and innovative performance-oriented contributions from all areas of graphics, including hardware architectures, rendering, physics, animation, AI, simulation, data structures, with topics including (but not limited to):
* New graphics hardware architectures
* Ray tracing architectures
* Graphics hardware and software system performance measurement, modeling, and optimization
* Exploitation of new memory technologies for graphics
* Graphics for mobile devices and integrated chipsets
* Novel display technologies
* Rendering architectures and algorithms
* Efficient acceleration algorithms and data structures for ray tracing
* Efficient rendering of highly dynamic scenes
* Support for general primitives (splines, points, volumes, ...)
* Game engine architecture and scene management engines
* Parallel computing for graphics
* Scalable algorithms for parallel rendering
* Scalable algorithms for large data visualization
* Physics and animation
* Computer vision
* GPU computing
* Algorithmic foundations
* Image sampling strategies and filtering techniques
* Advanced illumination methods
* Compression/decompression techniques
* New methods for texturing
* Languages and compilation
* Shading language design and implementation
* Run-time code-generation for graphics
* Compiling for massively parallel graphics architectures

Related Resources

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HPCC 2025   The 27th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications