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SIMPLEX 2013 : The 5th Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Networks for Practitioners


Conference Series : Simplifying Complex Networks for Practitioners
When May 13, 2013 - May 17, 2013
Where Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Submission Deadline Feb 22, 2013
Notification Due Mar 13, 2013
Final Version Due Mar 28, 2013
Categories    complex networks   networks science   distributed systems   applications

Call For Papers


5th Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Networks for Practitioners

In conjunction with the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW)
May 13-17, 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Network science, sometimes also called "complex networks science", has
recently attracted much attention from the scientific community,
mainly due to the almost ubiquitous presence of complex networks in
real-world systems. Examples of complex networks are found in living
organisms, in engineering systems, as well as in social networks. Most
of the real-world systems have the required degree of complexity to be
called "complex systems". Complexity may have to do with the intricate
dynamics of the interacting components, with the non-trivial
properties of the underlying network topology, or with the sheer size
of the system itself.

Despite the numerous workshops and conferences related to network
science, it is still a set of loosely interacting communities. Those
communities would benefit from better interactions.

Simplex aims at triggering different computer science communities
(e.g. communication networks, distributed systems) to propose research
areas and topics that should be tackled from the network science
perspective. We also seek contributions from network science that are
relevant to solve practical computer science problems. Two types of
contributions are foreseen from prospective authors. The first type
would consist of use-cases of theoretical tools and methods to solve
practical problems. Such contributions should be as usable as possible
by practitioners in the related field. The second type of
contributions would come from practitioners that have identified a
problem that may be solved by tools from network sciences. The point
of such contributions is to make the network sciences community aware
of the importance of a high-impact problem, and to suggest means by
which the problem may be solved by the network sciences
community. Both contributions should stimulate interaction between
theoreticians and practitioners, and also have high potential impact
in either field.

Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Application of complex network theory to the design of web applications;
* Data mining of large scale networks;
* Analysis of dynamic and time-varying networks;
* Network robustness to failures and attacks;
* Machine learning and network science;
* Complex network theory applied to forwarding/routing problems;
* Application of social network analysis to communication and computing system design;
* Mobility and connectivity modelling;
* Network science and data and information retrieval;
* Complex network theory and security applications;

Submission Guidelines

All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality,
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression. The
proceedings of the workshop will be published by the ACM International
Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS).

Paper submissions at the review stage should not exceed 8 pages in the
ACM Small Standard Format (LaTeX or Word). If using LaTeX, please use
\documentclass{acmsmall}, i.e., no optional parameters (such as
prodmode, or journal abbreviation) should be used.

Please note that the final camera-ready manuscript will be restricted
to 6 pages and will need to be formatted using the ACM SIGS
Proceedings Template). To minimise later work, authors may choose to
submit papers for review in this format as well.

Important Dates
* Submission deadline: February 22th 2013 (midnight, Pacific Standard Time)
* Authors notification: March 13th 2013
* Camera-ready: March 28th, 2013
* Workshop date: May 13, 2013

Submission site:


General Chairs
* Pan Hui, HKUST/T-Labs, HK
* Nishanth Sastry, Kings College London, UK

Technical Program Committee Chairs
* Fabricio Benevenuto, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
* Stefano Ferretti, Universita di Bologna, Italy
* Abedelaziz Mohaisen, VeriSign Labs, USA

Technical Program Committee
* Young-Yeol Ahn, Indiana University, USA
* Azer Bestavros, Boston University, USA
* Ozalp Babaoglu, University of Bologna, Italy
* Yang Chen, Duke University, USA
* Daniel Figueiredo, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
* Amir Houmansadr, The University of Texas Austin, USA
* Matthieu Latapy, LIP6, France
* Matteo Magnani, Aarhus University, Denmark
* Cecilia Mascolo, University of Cambridge, UK
* Raul Mondragon, Queen Mary University of London, UK
* Mirco Musolesi, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK
* Jonice Oliveira, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
* Eric Osterweil, VeriSign Labs, USA
* Bruno Ribeiro, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
* Salvatore Scellato, Google, UK
* Duc A. Tran, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
* Udi Weinsberg, Technicolor, USA
* Artur Ziviani, National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), Brazil

Related Resources

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