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(De)constructing the Archive 2010 : (De)constructing the Archive in a Digital Age.


When Sep 10, 2010 - Sep 10, 2010
Where School of the Arts Loughborough Universi
Submission Deadline Jul 30, 2010
Notification Due Aug 10, 2010
Final Version Due Aug 30, 2010
Categories    archive   photography   history   culture

Call For Papers

(De)constructing the Archive in a Digital Age.
10th September 2010, School of the Arts Loughborough University, UK.
Organised by Iris
Paper Submission Deadline; Friday 30th July 2010
One-day debate on the possibilities of the archive.
This event aims to provide an environment for sharing information whilst stimulating debates about the role of the archive within art, culture and design.
Possible topics of enquiry may include but are not limited to;
• The discussion about how the archive should respond to the digital age continues. How does the physical archive change and adapt in the face of new technologies?
• When is the archive not an archive? What is the difference between the archive and the collection?
• How should we respond to the growing number of images available to us in the digital archive, as increasingly we are exposed to photographs for which there are no original viewing contexts available? What is the value of these decontextualised and dematerialised documents to the researcher as historical evidence?
• How is the institutional archive to respond to questions about the democratization of the archive, not only through the process of digitisation and online access but also the growing use of more interactive forms of viewing/sharing with web 2.0?

Paper presentations, abstracts of 200-300 words may be submitted for a 30-minute paper presentation.
Panel submissions abstracts for a 90-minute colloquium, which is to consist of 5 participants (1 chair and 4 presenters; each presenter taking no more than 15 minutes) may be submitted. Abstract length should be 250-350 words.
Poster presentations, 200 word abstracts for a themed poster to be shown at the conference will be accepted.
Artworks, submissions for artworks related to the topics will be considered, please send a 200 word abstract. Include details of medium, size and installation requirements on a separate sheet.
Please send abstracts (clearly marked as to which category you are interested in) and a brief C.V. to;
Mort Marsh, IRIS.
Loughborough University
School of the Arts
Edward Barnsley Building
Epinal way
LE11 3TU.
Iris is an internationally focused research resource dedicated to promoting the work of women artists using photographic-based media.

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