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SCUCA 2013 : Smart City and Ubiquitous Computing Applications Workshop (co-located with WoWMoM 2013)


When Jun 4, 2013 - Jun 4, 2013
Where Madrid
Submission Deadline Mar 17, 2013
Notification Due Apr 1, 2013
Final Version Due Apr 12, 2013
Categories    ubiquitous computing   computer science   smart cities   internet of things

Call For Papers

As the world experiences unprecedented urban growth, decision makers have become very alert calling for urgent solutions to the resulting issues and newly identified problems. Fortunately, the recent advances in information and communication technologies may stimulate new solutions towards the urbanization problems. As a result, research and industrial efforts are beginning to focus on work in that direction and towards Smart Sustainable Cities; the aim is to integrate and validate ICT technologies and services in neighborhoods to make progress towards intelligent cities by exploiting ubiquitous technologies.
In addition to technical developments, attention is given to innovative service business models which include security, safety and privacy issues. The need to improve our understanding of cities, however, is pressed not only by the social relevance of urban environments, but also by the availability of new strategies for city-scale interventions that are enabled by emerging technologies.
This workshop aims to showcase latest advances in Smart City and Ubiquitous Computing applications which are the result of research efforts that incorporate new technologies from the areas of mobile communications, multimedia services, data storage and handling and ubiquitous services.

The workshop covers (but is not limited to) the following areas:

Urban Analysis and Modeling:
- data-driven analysis of economic activity, human behavior, mobility patterns, resource consumption
- Designing new cities through evidence-based processes
- Parametric urban design tools to schematically define mobility nodes, streets, buildings and location of resources
- Development of nested compact urban cells (walkable neighborhoods)
- Urban energy, mobility, water, food, and waste simulator for new, post-oil cities
- Typology of streetscapes, pathways, mobility nodes, and responsive technology for cities

Mobility Networks:
- Multi-modal mobility recommendation engines
- New urban vehicles including electric scooters, automobiles, bike-lane vehicles, etc.
- Autonomous vehicle technology and vehicle-pedestrian interfaces
- Scheduling, charging and security technology for shared-use vehicle systems
- Electronic parking systems
- Multimedia pervasive computing for smart cities

Electronic and Social Networks:
- New network-centric methods for managing reactive, data-driven city systems
- Social, multimedia and ubiquitous computing for smart cities
- Urban-scale serious games to shape use of resources such as shared-used mobility
- Systems tailored for more stable, fair, and socially efficient services

Work and living places
- Personalized, transformable urban housing
- Variable-rate power, and flexible workspaces
- Time-shifted, shared space-on-demand for collaborative work
- Sensing and algorithms to understand fine-grained human activity
- Responsive lighting, HVAC, health, energy conservation, and communication in the home and work

Workshop Chairs
Anastasios D. Doulamis - Technical University of Crete, Greece
Lambros Lambrinos - Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

The workshop is supported by the following on-going projects: Experimedia, SoCIoS, e-Park, Poseidon
and more information can be found at:

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