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eLex 2012 : Conference on e-Learning Excellence in the Middle East


When Jan 31, 2012 - Feb 2, 2012
Where Dubai
Submission Deadline Aug 30, 2011
Notification Due Sep 1, 2011
Final Version Due Nov 1, 2011
Categories    e-learning    innovation   learning   pedagogy

Call For Papers

Thomas Edison said : "There's a way to do it better—find it." This is what creativity and innovation are about. The theme chosen for the 5th eLearning Conference under the HBMeU 2012 Annual Congress will emphasize on innovation and creative approaches of education using all types of technologies available to improve learning and make it more effective.

We invite all those engaged in triggering and managing educational changes, innovation, and excellence in e-learning to share their experiences and practices by submitting research papers, case studies, poster presentations, students brief papers and view points.

All submissions need to be made against a particular subtheme of the Conference:

1. Advances in Creative and Innovative Learning;
2. Open Educational Resources for Innovative Online Learning;
3. Innovative Learning Environments;
4. Pedagogical approaches fostering creativity and innovation;
5. Learners Empowerment
6. Policies and Strategies for sustainable educational innovation

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