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HiPC 2013 : 20th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing


Conference Series : High Performance Computing
When Dec 18, 2013 - Dec 21, 2013
Where Bengaluru, INDIA
Submission Deadline Jun 8, 2013
Notification Due Aug 6, 2013
Final Version Due Aug 25, 2013
Categories    high performance compuating   parallel computing

Call For Papers

The 20th annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2013) will be held at the Hyderabad
International Convention Center in Hyderabad, India, from December 18-21, 2013. It will serve as a forum for researchers from
around the world to present their current research efforts and findings, and will serve as a venue for stimulating discussions and
highlighting high performance computing (HPC) related activities in Asia. The conference has a history of attracting participation
from reputed researchers from all over the world.

HiPC 2013 will focus on the design and analysis of high performance computing and networking systems and their scientific,
engineering, and commercial applications. In addition to technical sessions consisting of contributed papers, the conference will
include invited presentations, a student research symposium, tutorials, and vendor presentations in the industry, user and research
symposium. Additional information about the HiPC 2013 conference and HiPC series of meetings is available at

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research manuscripts that demonstrate current research in all areas of high
performance computing including design and analysis of parallel and distributed systems, embedded systems, and their applications
in scientific, engineering, and commercial areas.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
)High-Performance Computing
)Parallel and Distributed Algorithms / Applications
)Parallel and Distributed Architectures / Software
)Parallel Languages and Programming Environments
)Hybrid Parallel Programming with GPUs and Accelerators
)Load Balancing, Scheduling and Resource Management
)Resilient/Fault-Tolerant Algorithms and Systems
)Scientific/Engineering/Commercial Applications and Workloads
)Emerging Applications such as Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
)Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing
)Heterogeneous Computing
)Interconnection Networks and Architectures
)Scalable Servers and Systems
)High Performance/Scalable Storage Systems
)Power-Efficient and Reconfigurable Architectures
)Compiler Technologies for High-Performance Computing
)Software Support and Advanced Micro-architecture Techniques
)Operating Systems for Scalable High-Performance Computing

One or more best paper awards will be given for outstanding contributed papers. Further details about call for student research
symposium, workshops, tutorials, and exhibits, as well as submission guidelines are available at the conference website.

Related Resources

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