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EC 2010 : Call for papers: The Evaluation Conclave 2010


When Oct 25, 2010 - Oct 28, 2010
Where New Delhi, INDIA
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2010
Categories    evaluation

Call For Papers


The Conclave is methodologically neutral with multiple approaches and methods (impact evaluation, participatory evaluation, complexity thinking etc) being woven throughout the program. The COE’s interest is in creating space for different thematic streams to emerge and to encourage groups with an interest in evaluation in particular thematic areas to dialogue and incubate ideas. That said, some of the streams that will be fostered at the Conclave include:

•Evaluation of and for health systems strengthening and improved public health
•Evaluation of and for adaptation to climate change
•Evaluation of and for food security and strengthening agricultural systems
•Evaluation of and for equity, rights, and social transformation
•Evaluation of and through information and communication technologies for development

Other streams may also emerge as the agenda takes final shape and through substantive inputs from stakeholders and supporters. These inputs may identify further themes where supporters and stakeholders are keen to incubate and foster ideas and connections at the event. The COE is open to such inputs and seeking them out.
The conclave is designed to build bridges of theories, ideas and practices across evaluators. Core of event will be plenary sessions, parallel small group workshops led by global and South Asian thought leaders and invited papers sessions contributing to the vision of conclave.

Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: 15 July 2010
Abstract acceptance notification: 31 August 2010
Submission of completed paper deadline: 1 October 2010
Correction of abstract deadline: 14 July 2010

CoE invites evaluators to submit papers (abstract; up to 400 words) to be considered for (only oral) presentation in the conclave. The deadline for receiving abstract is 15th July, 2010. The abstracts should be sent electronically to .

(Abstracts submitted by fax or by post will not be accepted), All abstracts must be written in English.
The applicants will be notified whether their papers have been accepted by 31st August, 2010. The authors of accepted papers will be required to submit completed paper by 1st Oct. 2010.

Please read the complete guidelines for paper submission here

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