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MIPPSNA 2018 : Multimedia Information Processing for Personality & Social Network Analysis Workshop @ ICPR 2018


When Aug 20, 2018 - Aug 21, 2018
Where Beijing, China
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2018
Notification Due Jul 10, 2018
Final Version Due Jul 18, 2018
Categories    computer vision   pattern recognition   artificial intelligence   multimedia

Call For Papers

Multimedia Information Processing for Personality & Social Networks Analysis Workshop
2018 International Conference on Pattern Recognition
August 20-24, Beijing, China
Web site:
Paper submission:

Computer Vision and Multimedia information processing are fruitful research fields that have focused in a number of tasks, among them, those dealing with the analysis of human behavior. Although great advances have been obtained in the, so-called, Looking at People field, it is only recently that attention from this area is targeting problems that have to do with more complex and subconscious behaviors. For instance, personality and social behaviors are only starting to be explored from computer vision and multimedia information processing perspectives.

In this context, we are organizing the MIPPSNA2018 workshop that aims to compile the latest research advances on the analysis of multimodal information for facing problems that are not visually obvious, this is, problems for which the sole visual analysis is insufficient to provide a satisfactory solution. Specifically, two problems are of interest for the workshop: personality analysis and social behavior analysis, although submissions in related topics will be considered as well. The following are topics of interest for the workshop:
All aspects of human behavior analysis in the context of social networks by using multimodal information. Including but not limited to gesture/action, emotion recognition, personality analysis and human-computer interaction.
Personality analysis from multimodal information. Including textual, visual, and audible information.
Information fusion for the analysis of human behavior in the context of social networks.
Information retrieval, categorization and clustering of social networks data, including images, text, and videos.
Analysis of human intention from social networks data involving multimodal information.
New tasks, data sets and benchmarks on human behavior analysis from multimodal information
Solutions and novel methodologies for approaching the tasks considered in the ICPR18 Multimedia Information Processing for Personality and Social Networks Analysis Contest

A special issue associated to the workshop and challenge is is planned in a top tier journal (TBA).

Please submit your paper using the following link:

Accepted papers will be published in post-workshop proceedings as a volume of Springer's lecture notes.

Associated Challenge

The workshop is associated to an ICPR contest running two tasks in the same topics:

The DivFusion task builds on the MediaEval Retrieving Diverse Social Images Tasks and challenges the participants to develop highly effective information fusion techniques. The participants will be provided with several query results, content descriptors and output of various existing diversification systems. They are to employ fusion strategies to refine the retrieval results thus to improve even more the diversification.

This contests ask participants to develop methods for estimating the personality traits of users from their handwritten texts and the corresponding transcripts (image and text modalities considered). The challenge comprises two phases: a development (participants develop and tune their systems, feedback in validation data is provided ) and a final phase (participants submit predictions on test samples for evaluation).

See for a detailed description

Therefore, the workshop will also accept submissions from contest participants describing their solutions for the challenge.

Important dates
- End of ICPR contest: June 16, 2018
- Deadline for paper submission: June 30, 2018
- Author notification of acceptance: July 10, 2018
- Camera ready submission: July 18, 2018
- Workshop & Challenge award ceremony: August, 2018 (@ ICPR 2018)
- Publication of proceedings: Autumn 2018

Overall coordination
Hugo Jair Escalante, Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica, Mexico (
Bogdan Ionescu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Esaú Villatoro, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, campus Cuajimalpa, Mexico
Gabriela Ramírez, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, campus Cuajimalpa, Mexico
Sergio Escalera, Computer Vision Center & University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Martha Larson, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Henning Müller, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Switzerland
Isabelle Guyon, UPSud and researcher at INRIA (Université Paris-Saclay), France

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