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IAICT 2019 : 2019 International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technology


When Jul 1, 2019 - Jul 3, 2019
Where Bali, Indonesia
Submission Deadline Mar 30, 2019
Notification Due Apr 30, 2019
Final Version Due May 30, 2019
Categories    artificial intelligence   communications   cloud computing   smart cities

Call For Papers

The 2019 International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technology
Bali, July 1-3, 2019


The 2019 International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technology (IAICT’2019) provide a forum for researchers, academicians, professionals, and students from various engineering fields and with cross-disciplinary interests and working in Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technology to interact and disseminate information on the latest developments.

Organized and Sponsored by IEEE Indonesia Communications Society Chapter and Telkom University IoT Center, IAICT has a strong foundation of bringing together industry and academia.

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the conference proceedings. Accepted papers will be published in the IAICT’2019 Conference Proceedings and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.

IAICT’2019 invites papers, original & unpublished work from individuals active in the broad theme of the conference. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

# Industry 4.0

Ecosystem & Infrastructure,
Industry 4.0 Factory
Industrial Big Data
Internet of Things (IoT)
Industrial Internet of Things
Internet of Services
Smart Manufacturing
Smart Devices and Products
Smart Logistics
Smart Cities
Predictive Analytics
Cyber-physical Systems
Robotic and Automation
Support System for Industry 4.0
Mobile Computing
Cloud Computing for Industry 4.0

# Artificial Intelligence

Adaptive Systems
Fuzzy Logic
Data Mining
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Inductive Learning
Intelligent and Knowledge Based System
Expert Systems
Geographic Information Systems
Intrusion Detection
Agents and Multi-agent Systems
Natural Language Processing
Signal Processing
Computer Vision
Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality
Hybrid and Nonlinear system
Intelligent Control
Context-aware Pervasive Systems

# Communications

Cellular Networks
Cloud Computing
Cross-layer Optimization and Control
Cyber-physical Systems
Data Center Networking
Delay Tolerant Networks
Game Theory in Networks
Localization and Location-based Services
MIMO-based Networking
Mobile Cloud Computing
Network Management
Network Measurement and Analysis
Quality of Service and Resource Management
Smart Communications Systems
Vehicular Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks


Paper must be submitted electronically using the IEEE PDF Format via EDAS. All papers will be peer reviewed. Paper length should be maximum seven pages including figures, tables, references, and appendices. Please use the standard IEEE conference proceedings templates for Microsoft Word on A4 size pages founded at or may download from here

Paper submission process will be managed by using EDAS:


Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the conference proceedings. At least one author of each accepted papers must register for the conference to be included in the program. Accepted papers will be published in the IAICT’2019 Conference Proceedings and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore

Publication POLICIES

To ensure appropriate consideration of conflicts of interest during the review process, the ComSoc prohibits changes to the list of authors once a paper has been submitted for review during review, revision, or (if accepted) -final publication. The author list may be changed only prior to the submission deadline.
To be published in the IAICT Conference Proceedings, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter arranged in advance of the event and who is quailed both to present and answer questions. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. Accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.

Important Dates

Full Papers Submission : March 30, 2019 (Extended)
Acceptance Notification : April 30, 2019
Camera Ready due : May 30, 2019
Authors Registration Deadline : May 30, 2019
Conference Date : July 1-3, 2019

For information, paper submission, and other communications, visit:

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