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Call for Chapters 2017 : Technological Developments for Cultural Heritage and eTourism Applications


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jul 30, 2016
Notification Due Aug 15, 2016
Final Version Due Dec 31, 2017
Categories    ICT   tourism   cultural studies   HCI

Call For Papers

This book will unite and explore the relations between four main topics: (a) Information and Communications Technology, (b) Cultural Heritage, (c) eTourism, and (e) Assistive Technologies and Accessibilities. The objective of the book is to bring together a comprehensive collection of research trends on contemporary ICT systems and application in Cultural Heritage and Tourism from a set of international experts on the design, evaluation, implementation and use of innovative technologies on the field.
In summary, the book will emphasize the connection between contemporary information and communications technologies with cultural heritage and tourism and eTourism, taking a special interest in systems that have accessibility considerations and integrates assistive technologies.

Contributors are welcome to submit chapters on the following topics always connecting Technological Developments with Cultural Heritage and/or (e)Tourism:
- Accessibility of smart environments
- Adaptive and augmented interaction
- Adaptive and personalized interfaces
- Ageing technologies
- Information and communications technology
- Alternative I/O techniques and technologies for “sight” and “touch”
- Art with new technology
- Assistive environments, technologies and accessibilities
- Augmented and/or mixed reality applications
- Automation and robotics interaction
- Cloud computing
- Computer and human vision
- Connected learning
- Design for all education and training
- Design for quality of life technologies
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Interaction Design
- Internet of things accessibility
- Literature and Tourism
- Marketing
- Mobile technology
- Multimodal interfaces
- Navigation, and optimization of routes
- Smart Education
- Smart Grids and Smart Appliances
- Smart homes
- Smart Tourism
- Social Media
- Special education, inclusion in education, distance learning and assistive learning
- Technology enhanced learning
- Tourism & Intangible Heritage
- Tourism and Architecture
- Tourism, History & Science
- User Experience
- User Interfaces
- Vehicle or Person Tracking System

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