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WS³P 2012 : First International Workshop on Wide Spectrum Social Signal Processing


When Sep 3, 2012 - Sep 6, 2012
Where Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Submission Deadline Jul 7, 2012
Notification Due Jul 17, 2012
Final Version Due Jul 20, 2012
Categories    affective computing   social signal processing   behavioural signal processing   wide spectrum

Call For Papers

First International Workshop on Wide Spectrum Social Signal Processing (WS³P2012)
Held in conjunction with ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2012)
Amsterdam (The Netherlands), September 3-6, 2012


A large part of users of Social Computing and Social Signal Processing technology have special needs owing to their special mental conditions such as Autism Spectral Condition or physical limitations. At the same time, Social Computing offers great potential in particular for these users: Many target groups show high affinity to technical systems and practically all of these can be assumed to benefit from social networks and social and affective technical solutions tailored to their needs. As a consequence, there has been a growing interest within the computing community in becoming more engaged in social sciences and more particularly in psychopathologies such as Autism. The WS³P 2012 workshop aims to gather researchers and practitioners in the field of Social Computing, Social Signal Processing, Social Robotics and Psychopathology. Joint research across these communities will have a major impact on methodologies, problems and issues related to users with development or abilities on a wide spectrum.

The workshop fosters discussions covering topics such as (but not limited to):
• Processing of Wide Spectrum Social Signals and Wide Spectrum Emotions and Affect
• Corpora of Wide Spectrum Social Signals, Emotion and Affect
• Machine Learning Techniques for Interaction Modelling
• Inclusive User Interfaces
•Targeted Social Networks for User Groups with Special Requirements
• Digital Socio-Emotional Gaming for Empowerment and Inclusion
• Case Studies and Applications in Real-life Contexts
• Long-term Modelling of Wide Spectrum Behaviours
• Data Acquisition, Annotation, Protocols and Ethics
• Impact of Social Signal Processing in the Psycho-Pathology

This event is organized as a satellite workshop of the ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom) that will take place in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), September 3-6, 2012.

Mohamed Chetouani (primary contact), Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
Björn Schuller, Technische Universität München (TUM)
Peter Robinson, University of Cambridge


Important dates:
Paper submission 07 July 2012
Notification of acceptance 17 July 2012
Camera ready paper 20 July 2012
Workshop 3-6 September 2012 (one-day workshop, date t.b.d.)

The workshop will be co-sponsored by the European projects ASC-Inclusion ( and Michelangelo ( and the HUMAINE Association.

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