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PerDis 2019 : The 8th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays


Conference Series : Pervasive Displays
When Jun 12, 2019 - Jun 14, 2019
Where Palermo, Italy
Submission Deadline Feb 22, 2019
Notification Due Mar 28, 2019
Categories    papers   workshops & tutorials   posters & demos

Call For Papers

The 8th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis 2019)
Palermo, Italy - 12th-14th June, 2019

We are pleased to announce that the deadline for papers submission is EXTENDED for the 8th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays.


Digital displays have become pervasive to our everyday lives. They belong to our living and working environments and are relevant to many areas of research, including: advertising, architecture, art, computing, design, engineering, entertainment, human-computer interaction, retail, sociology, and urban life. The ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays is the premier venue for advances in research, technologies, and applications relative to pervasive displays. We invite both academics and practitioners in this multi-disciplinary venue that allows discussion of challenges, innovations, and achievements from diverse perspectives in a single-track conference format.

This year's conference aims to continue the tradition of innovation and excellence in research established by previous Pervasive Displays symposia. In addition to the peer-reviewed accepted papers, the conference program will include keynotes, workshops, and tutorials. Calls will also be issued for poster and demo submissions - see for more details on the submission process.


We invite submissions that report on cutting-edge research in the broad spectrum of pervasive digital displays. We welcome submissions from large interactive structures to wearable displays; from technical advances to field studies; and from mobile display to urban visualisation.

The symposium on Pervasive Displays welcomes work on all areas pertaining to digital displays including, but not limited to:

- Applications
- Novel technologies and new forms of pervasive displays
- Interfaces and interaction techniques
- Media façades and architecture
- Content design and information visualisation
- Research methods for pervasive displays
- Art installations
- Evaluations, case studies, deployments, and experience reports
- Audience behaviour
- Usable privacy for public displays
- System architectures and infrastructure
- Frameworks and toolkits for developing pervasive display applications


As a targeted topic venue, Pervasive Displays offers authors the unique opportunity to present their work to a research community focused on display technologies and research questions surrounding them. In this intimate symposium setting, authors can receive feedback from leading experts and lead discussions with highly interested parties.

Please note that the information in this call pertains to submissions to the research paper track. Information about other submission tracks (posters, demos, and workshops) will be provided in subsequent calls.

Submitted papers should clearly explain the research question addressed, research method and tasks, findings or results, and contributions of the work. Papers should provide sufficient background and related work to situate and contextualize the authors’ work within the greater body of research. Submitted papers should be a maximum of six (6) pages in length (excluding references) in the ACM SIGCHI Conference Proceedings format (

Submissions shall consist of original work that has not been previously published or is not concurrently under consideration for any other conference, workshop, journal, or other publication with an ISBN, ISSN or DOI number. Papers will be peer-reviewed by multiple members of a program committee consisting of experts on pervasive displays. All accepted papers will be archived in the ACM Digital Library. Papers should be submitted as PDF files via the EasyChair Conference System at


Paper Submission deadline: February 22, 2019
Notification of acceptance: March 28, 2019
Camera-ready submission: April 22, 2019
Symposium: June 12-14, 2019


General Chairs
Mohamed Khamis, University of Glasgow, UK
Salvatore Sorce, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy

Program Chairs
Jessica Cauchard, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Israel
Vito Gentile, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy


Best regards,
Publicity and Social Media Chair, PERDIS 2019

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