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Bacula Conference 2010 : Bacula Conference 2010


When Sep 22, 2010 - Sep 22, 2010
Where Cologne, Germany
Submission Deadline Aug 20, 2010
Categories    backup   security   open source

Call For Papers

We are looking for further papers for the Bacula conference on the 22nd of September 2010 in Cologne.

Encouraged by the overall positive feedback from the first Bacula Conference, we are proud to announce a second conference for this more and more beloved open source backup solution.

The conference will show, what the status of Bacula at this time is, in which direction it is being developed, in which environment it is being used and how it is being integrated with other systems.

Your Submission should include following items:

* Title
* Abstract
* Contact information (e-mail, phone, address, company, position)
* Short Curriculum Vitae of the author

The paper and speech should be in German or English.

Fileformat: PDF

After the conference the speech will be downloadable at the conference website.

Submission via e-mail:

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