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VAHC 2013 : 2013 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare


When Nov 16, 2013 - Nov 16, 2013
Where Washington, DC, USA
Submission Deadline Sep 9, 2013
Notification Due Sep 25, 2013
Final Version Due Oct 4, 2013
Categories    visualization   healthcare   health   data mining

Call For Papers


Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare
(In conjunction with AMIA 2013, Nov 16th, Washington, DC)


*** Paper Submissions Due Sept 9th, 2013 ***

Call for Papers:
The 2013 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC 2013) will provide
an opportunity for participants to discuss state-of-the-art data
visualization techniques and review how such techniques can be used within
clinical settings. The primary objective of the workshop is to bring
together leading scientists and clinical practitioners to discuss the
visualization techniques that can be applied to clinical settings and
discuss the areas of healthcare that need more attention from the
visualization community. The workshop will allow participants to showcase
their ongoing work on visualization and visual data mining techniques as
well as to learn more about emerging techniques, software applications, and

To help transition visual analytics from research concepts to practice, the
VAHC 2013 will be co-located with the American Medical Informatics
Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium.

Topics and Scope:
Topics of interests include but are not limited to:

* Visual analysis and exploration of longitudinal clinical trial data

* Visual data mining of electronic health records

* Visualization of prescriptions drugs and interactions

* Improving operating room (OR) workflow with visual analytics

* Outcome forecasting or prediction

* Visual analytics for patient safety

* Pandemic forecasting and tracking

* Visual analytics in surgery / radiology / OR / emergency room (ER)

* Improving patients understanding with visual analytics

* Clinical dashboards

* Data summarization

* Visual data fusion

* Position papers advocating for specific visual analytics topics in

Paper Submission and Format Guidelines:
We encourage a diverse range of submissions and demonstrations from
academic, healthcare organizations, and industry that addresses any of the
topics listed above. Submissions can be for (1) paper / podium
presentations, (2) poster presentations, or (3) live & interactive

- Paper: Papers are limited to four pages. Papers should be formatted in
the IEEE or AMIA format styles. The file format for submissions is Adobe
Portable Document Format (PDF). Other formats will not be accepted.

- Poster: Poster submissions are limited to two pages.

- Demo: Demonstration submissions are limited two pages.

Important Dates:
Deadline for submission: September 9, 2013

Notification of Acceptance: September 25, 2013

Camera-ready Papers Due: October 4, 2013

Workshop: November 16, 2013

Jesus J. Caban (NICoE, Walter Reed Bethesda / jesus.j.caban.civ at

David Gotz (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center / dgotz at

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