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KPICGS 2012 : KANITA Inaugural Postgraduate International Conference on Gender Studies


When Oct 31, 2012 - Nov 1, 2012
Where Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Submission Deadline Jul 14, 2012
Categories    gender studies

Call For Papers

Call for Papers
First Announcement

KANITA Inaugural Postgraduate International Conference on Gender Studies (KPICGS), 2012

Researching the lived realities of women and gender relations: students sharing discourses in a changing world

Organised by:
Women’s Development Research Centre (KANITA), Universiti Sains Malaysia

31st October 2012 - 1st November 2012
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia


The Women’s Development Research Centre (KANITA), Universiti Sains Malaysia has more than 30 years of accumulated expertise and knowledge in the field of women’s and/ or gender studies. Women’s and gender studies encourages students to understand how social relations between women and men impact society and encourage them to investigate the historical contexts of women and men that cause disadvantaged positions of particular groups (especially women) in society. The KANITA Inaugural Postgraduate International Conference on Gender Studies (KPICGS) aims to bring together students and young scholars all over the world to share insights and experiences in researching women and gender issues. The conference focuses on both theoretical and practical issues faced by women in various parts of the world. It will provide opportunities for discussing and debating women’s lived realities in the world today taking into account dynamically changing challenges of the current world.
KPICGS aims to open conversations amongst young and/ or new scholars on different aspects of their research and academic experiences in inquiring into the social world that impact on the lives of women. The conference will also present students with the opportunities to engage in direct exchanges with senior scholars especially during the keynote and plenary sessions.
KANITA and the KPICGS organising committee cordially invites submission of abstracts and subsequently, full papers, from students and young scholars.
Target participants:
1. All students are welcome to submit abstracts to the KPICGS. While we expect a high number of participants to be postgraduate students, undergraduate students are welcome to participate in the conference.
2. Young scholars who are not currently registered as students with any institutions are also welcome to submit abstracts to the conference. They must be aged 25 or below.
3. The first author of a paper submitted must be the student or young scholar and the paper must be prepared and based on work done substantially by the student or young scholar. A supervisor or an academic advisor may be a co-author.

Papers may be prepared to fit into the following sub-themes:
a) Coceptualising gender and feminism(s)
b) Law and policy
c) Culture and religion
d) Health
e) Citizenship, leadership and governance
f) Globalisation and development
g) Media
h) History
i) Gendered Spaces
j) Inequalities and discrimination
k) Violence against women
l) Research methodologies
Papers with other themes may be proposed and their acceptance will be decided by the Conference Scientific Committee.
Format: Font Times New Roman 12; 1.5 spacing
Length: 350 words
Deadline: 31st July 2012
Information to be included in an abstract:
Paper title
Name of author/s
Institution/ affiliation of author/s
Email addresses (email address of first/ corresponding author in Bold)
Sub-theme proposed for the paper

We will inform you if your abstract has been accepted by 4th August 2012.
Full papers for accepted abstracts are due on 30th September 2012.

Please submit abstracts to us via email at or by normal post to the following address:

The Chairperson of the Scientific Committee
KANITA Inaugural Postgraduate International Conference on Gender Studies
Women’s Development Research Centre (KANITA)
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 USM
Penang, Malaysia
(c/o Reihaneh Attaran)

Registration fee and accommodation:

- RM 75 (Local) USD 50 (International)
-Early bird (before 31st August 2012): RM 60(Local) USD 30 (International)
Fees will cover all meals and materials during the Conference. Participants are responsible for their own accommodation and flight arrangements. Please book your accommodation directly with the hotel.

Contact details:

Please send your questions and other information regarding this conference to the following:

Contact Persons:

The Chairperson of the Scientific Committee
Reihaneh Attaran (Email:

Address and Contact Number:

Women’s Development Research Centre (KANITA)
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 USM
Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +604 6533436 or +604 6533433
Fax: +604 6566379

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