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ProtectIoT-SCN 2011 : Protecting the Internet of Things: Special Issue of Journal of Security and Communication Networks (Wiley)


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2011
Categories    special issue   security   internet of things   IOT

Call For Papers

Call for Papers: Protecting the Internet of Things
in Journal of Security and Communication Networks (Wiley)

Submission Due Dates:
Manuscript due: 15th April 2011 (Final extension)
First Review Results: Late June 2011
Final Acceptance Notification: August/September 2011
Camera Ready Manuscript due: Late August/September 2011
Publication: November/December 2011 (Tentative)

The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT), supported by industrial companies
and governments all over the world, marks an evolution that will surely have
a great impact on our environments and our lives. The central element of this
vision is the existence of a network of interconnected objects (from books to
cars, from electrical appliances to food) that will be able not only to
obtain information from their surroundings and interact with the physical
world, but also to use existing Internet standards to provide services.
However, security is extremely important for achieving this goal. As this
worldwide network of interconnected objects can be exploited anywhere by
anyone and anytime, it is necessary to enhance it with strong security
foundations able to give birth to a world-changing paradigm. In fact, in
order to adequately protect the IoT, there are plenty of factors that must be
taken into account. For example, the protection of the different building
blocks, the creation of interoperable security mechanisms, the development of
new services that allow multiple entities (e.g., human beings, machines,
objects) to cooperate with each other, and the management of all the
information produced by those interactions. This special issue is proposed to
cover research results and innovation case studies on security for the
Internet of Things.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* New security problems in the context of the IoT.
* Privacy risks and data management problems.
* Identifying, authenticating, and authorizing entities.
* Development of trust frameworks for secure collaboration.
* New cryptographic primitives for constrained "things".
* Connecting heterogeneous ecosystems and technologies.
* Legal Challenges and Governance Issues.
* Resilience to external and internal attacks.
* Context-Aware security.
* Providing protection to an IP-connected IoT.
* Web services security and other application-layer issues.
* Distributed policy enforcement and rights management.
* Usability of Security and Privacy Technologies in the context of the IoT.

Submitted papers must represent high-quality and previously unpublished
works. Original research papers are solicited in all areas on security
for the Internet of Things. All submissions will be peer reviewed by at
least three experts working in the areas. The guidelines for prospective
authors can be found at
Prospective authors should submit their papers online at When submitting the papers, the
authors should make sure to choose the Manuscript type as 'Special Issue',
and enter 'Running Head' and 'Special Issue title' as 'SCN-SI-029' and
'Internet of things', respectively.

Guest Editors:

Jim Clarke
Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland

Stefanos Gritzalis
University of the Aegean, Greece

Rodrigo Roman
University of Malaga, Spain

Jianying Zhou
Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore

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