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When Jun 16, 2019 - Jun 20, 2019
Submission Deadline Mar 8, 2019
Notification Due Apr 11, 2019
Final Version Due Apr 19, 2019
Categories    self-aware computing   IOT   measurements

Call For Papers

The Evaluations and Measurements in Self-Aware Computing Systems (EMSAC) Workshop aims to discuss the principles of quality assurance and evaluation/measurement for autonomous, self-aware and self-managing systems, the current trends, the future issues and challenges to be addressed at design and run time.

List of Topics
*Evaluations in self-aware systems: surveys, issues, challenges;
*Measurements in self-aware systems: surveys, issues, challenges;
*Quality assurance: surveys, issues, challenges;
*Mechanisms for evaluation, measurements, and quality assurance:
**Quality Attributes
**Software Metrics
**Verification & validation
**Architectural and design patterns
**Architectural and code smells
**Empirical evaluation
*Tool support for evaluation and measurements, and quality assurance;
*Application examples and domains
**Autonomic systems
**Self-adaptive systems
**Self-healing systems
**Self-organizing systems
**Self-protection solutions
**Cyber-physical systems
**Autonomous driving
*Industrial applications
*Experience reports
*Teaching quality assurance and evaluation and measurements

The workshop invites three types of submissions:
*full research and experience papers, presenting novel contributions (max. 6 pages including references);
*short and position papers, presenting promising preliminary results from work-in-progress or research challenges (max. 4 pages including references);
*Evaluations and Self-Awareness, (2 pages including references). The workshop will organize a discussion session on evaluations and self-awareness. Main questions to address this topic may be: What would you evaluate in self-aware computing system? How would you evaluate it? Why is it important to evaluate it?

We kindly invite PhD students to unleash their creativity and submit their ideas about the application of the IT solutions in everyday life and in particular in autonomic and self-managing systems. All the papers must be written in English and must conform to the double-column IEEE formatting guidelines. At least three PC members will review each submission. The authors will be notified about acceptance before the ICAC/SASO 2019 early registration deadline. At least one author of each accepted submission must register and present the paper. All workshop papers will be submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore. Submission can be done via EasyChair:

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