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When Jun 16, 2019 - Jun 20, 2019
Submission Deadline Mar 8, 2019
Notification Due Apr 11, 2019
Final Version Due Apr 19, 2019
Categories    self-aware computing   IOT

Call For Papers

The workshop on self-aware computing (SeAC) provides a forum to foster interaction and collaborations between the respective research communities, raising the awareness about related research efforts and synergies that can be exploited to advance the state of the
art. The workshop was initiated by the 2015 Dagstuhl Seminar 15041 on model-driven algorithms and architectures for self-aware computing systems, which brought together 45 international experts.

List of Topics
*Fundamental science and theory of self-aware systems
*Levels and aspects of self-aware systems
*Architectures for individual and collective systems
*Methods and algorithms for model learning (self-modeling) and reasoning
*Self-adaptation in individual and collective systems
*Synthesis and verification Metrics and benchmarks
*Transition strategies for increasing self-awareness in existing systems
*Open challenges and future research directions
*Applications and case studies: cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, data-centers, dependable computing, industrial internet, industry 4.0, internet of things, mobile computing, service-oriented systems, smart buildings, smart city, smart grid / energy management, smart factory, traffic management, autonomous robotics, and space applications.

The workshop participants will be selected based on their experience and ideas related to the field of self-aware computing.
There are two ways to participate: i) present a talk without a respective paper published in the workshop proceedings, ii)
submit a paper to be presented at the workshop and published in the workshop proceedings.
* Full workshop paper limited to 6 pages (double column, IEEE format, including references)
* Short workshop paper limited to 4 pages (double column, IEEE format, including references)
* Talk extended abstract limited to 1 page (without formatting restrictions)
We kindly invite PhD students to unleash their creativity and submit their ideas about the application of the IT solutions in everyday life and in particular in autonomic and self-managing systems. All the papers must be written in English and
must conform to the double-column IEEE formatting guidelines. At least three PC members will review each submission. The authors will be notified about acceptance before the ICAC/SASO 2019 early registration deadline. At least one author of each accepted submission must register and present the paper. All workshop papers will be submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore. Submission can be done via EasyChair:

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