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Crise de l’historicité 2019 : Crise de l’historicité : un défi pour l’historien


When N/A
Where N/A
Abstract Registration Due Jan 31, 2019
Submission Deadline Mar 30, 2019
Categories    philosophy   hermeneutics   hiestory   ethics

Call For Papers

We are perhaps experiencing a crisis of historicity which will fundamentally challenge how history and historical experiences are written about. Changes around the themes (concepts, fields, approaches) of global history, world history, connected histories, entangled histories, after and with the Subaltern and Post-Colonial Studies, could thus become the new ways of doing history, more closely in tune with the historiographic regime adapted to our modernity.

How far does this crisis of historicity remodel the dialectical relationship between past, present and future which is specific to History? The topics selected for this issue offer an excellent means of clarifying our current experiences of history.

Contributions from a wide range of potential fields (ethics, political philosophy, political theory, social philosophy, sociology and theology) will help elucidate some of the problems that history poses. A non-exhaustive list of possible topics would include:

1. The Linguistic Turn after the disappearance of Hayden White

2. The end of Eurocentrism : historicity ‘in equal parts’?

3. Time as the new ontological horizon for history

4. Can history and literature exist without each other? (The interconnectedness of history and literature)

5. The role of reflexivity in the growth of historiography and historical subjectivity

6. The challenge of 'post-truth' for historians

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