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ETBD 2013 : International Workshop on Interacting with Emerging Technologies and Big Data in Collaborative Environments


When Nov 25, 2013 - Nov 25, 2013
Where Adelaide Australia
Submission Deadline Oct 30, 2013
Categories    emerging technologies   big data   collaboration   interaction

Call For Papers

As technologies continue to advance, the data we need to deal with is getting increasingly large and complex. At the same time, new media and innovative devices that are used to process data and present the information are becoming increasingly ubiquitous and have been used as part of our daily activities. Examples of these emerging technologies include social media, mobile devices, and augmented reality. Although attempts have been made to explore the usage of these new emerging technologies and their impact on users, more effort is still needed, particularly on interacting with emerging technologies and big data in collaborative environments.

The objective of this workshop is to further promote research on emerging technologies and big data in collaborative environments, and to provide an open and constructive discussion forum for workshop participants to review the state-of-the-art, discuss current issues and future research directions, build the community, form network relations across isolated fields of research and foster possible future collaboration.

This is a full-day workshop to be held on Monday November 25 at Flinders University, Adelaide Australia in conjunction with OZCHI2013. We solicit high quality research and position papers for the workshop. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by our highly regraded international program committee members. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

The workshop welcomes all submissions that concern any aspect of emerging technologies and big data in collaborative environments. The specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Design principles and interaction methods
2. User collaborative behaviours
3. Collaborative editing
4. Human factors, social and cultural issues
5. Evaluations
6. User Interfaces, systems and applications
7. Reviews and surveys
8. Data processing, analysis and presentation
9. Privacy, security and ethics issues

Interested researchers are invited to submit a position or research paper (no longer than 4 pages). The paper should be formatted according to the OzCHI format and submitted electronically via email ( by October 30, 2013. The paper should include the following details

1. Titles, names, affiliations, and emails of each author.
2. An introduction and background to the topic discussed in the position paper.
3. A short biography of each author’s background, their interest in this field, and their motivations for participating in the workshop.

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