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TACL 2019 : Topology, Algebra, and Categories in Logic 2019


When Jun 17, 2019 - Jun 21, 2019
Where Nice, France
Submission Deadline Feb 27, 2019
Notification Due Mar 24, 2019
Categories    logic   topology   algebra   category theory

Call For Papers


Call for Papers - deadlines soon!

Conference: June 17 - 21, 2019 in Nice
School: June 10 - 15, 2019 in Ile de Porquerolles


************ WARNINGS! ************
- Book your accommodation as soon as possible!
(FIFA Women's World Cup matches are played in Nice the same week)
- Compulsory pre-registration for the school by March 31!
- The number of spaces in the TACL school is limited.


Studying logic via semantics is a well-established and very
active branch of mathematical logic with many applications in
computer science and elsewhere. The area is characterized by
results, tools and techniques stemming from various fields,
including universal algebra, topology, category theory, order,
and model theory. The programme of the conference TACL 2019 will
focus on three interconnecting mathematical themes central to the
semantic study of logic and their applications: topological,
algebraic, and categorical methods.

TACL 2019 is the ninth conference in the series Topology, Algebra
and Categories in Logic. The TACL summer school 2019 will be held
on the isle of Porquerolles during the week preceding the

Important dates

Contributed talks:
Submission by: February 27, 2019
Notification: March 24, 2019

Request for funding and/or student-style accommodation:
Submission by: February 27, 2019
Notification: March 24, 2019

Early registration: March 31, 2019
Registration deadline: May 31, 2019

Invited speakers

* Samson Abramsky (University of Oxford)
* Johan van Benthem (Stanford University)
* Marcel Erné (Leibniz University Hannover)
* Sam van Gool (University of Amsterdam)
* Wesley Holliday (University of California Berkeley)
* Agi Kurucz (King's College London)
* Tommaso Moraschini (Czech Academy of Sciences)
* Daniela Petrisan (Universite Paris Diderot)
* Hilary Priestley (University of Oxford)
* Boris Zilber (University of Oxford)

Call for contributed talks

Authors can submit an Extended Abstract of up to 2 pages
(including references) at the EasyChair conference system:


Program Committee:
Silvio Ghilardi (co-chair), Ramon Jansana (co-chair),
Nick Bezhanishvili, Marta Bilkova, Agata Ciabattoni,
David Gabelaia, Mai Gehrke, Jean Goubault-Larrecq,
John Harding, Rosalie Iemhoff, Vincenzo Marra,
Paul-Andre Mellies, Jorge Picado, Ales Pultr, James Raftery,
Anna Romanowska, Valentin Shehtman, Isar Stubbe, Fred Wehrung,
Michael Zakharyaschev

Steering Committee:
Guram Bezhanishvili, Mai Gehrke, Silvio Ghilardi,
Rob Goldblatt, Ramon Jansana, Hilary Priestley, James Raftery,
Yde Venema

Organizing Committee:
Mai Gehrke, Etienne Lozes, Frederic Patras, Luigi Santocanale,
Clemens Berger, Carlos Simpson, Celia Borlido, Wesley Fussner,
Tomas Jakl, Axel Osmond, Luca Reggio, Mehdi Zaidi

Summer School's extras


************ WARNING! **********
One cannot register if one has not pre-registered by March 31!

Pre-registration deadline: March 31, 2019
Reduced fee request: March 31, 2019

Notification on fee and
acceptance of pre-registration: April 10, 2019

Final registration and payment: April 30, 2019

Those chosen to receive funding for the conference will have
priority for funding for the summer school.

Lecturers at the Summer School

* Maria Manuel Clementino - Category Theory
* Andre Joyal - Topos Theory
* George Metcalfe - Algebraic Methods in Proof Theory
* Yde Venema - Duality Theory

Arrival on the island will be on Monday June 10 in the evening.
The school's programme will start on Tuesday June 11 in the
morning and will end on Saturday June 15 in the afternoon.
For further information, please visit the school website.

Related Resources

SoCG 2025   Symposium on Computational Geometry
JELIA 2025   19th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence
MFCS 2025   Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
FoIKS 2026   International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems
DLT 2025   The 29th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory
NALOMA 2025   Natural Logic Meets Machine Learning
ECSQARU 2025   18th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty
LOPSTR 2025   Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation
AIFU 2025   11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications
SOFT 2025   11th International Conference on Software Engineering