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BPI 2011 : 7th International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence


When Aug 29, 2011 - Aug 29, 2011
Where Clermont-Ferrand, France
Submission Deadline May 20, 2011
Notification Due Jun 24, 2011
Final Version Due Jul 15, 2011
Categories    business process management   business process modelling   business process intelligence   process mining

Call For Papers

Workshop Program

The BPI 2011 workshop will be held on 29 August 2011, from 9:00h to 17:30h. The workshop will start with a keynote talk and, afterwards, the accepted papers will be presented. Full papers have 20 minutes for their presentations and 10 minutes for discussion. Short papers have 15 + 5 minutes.

During the workshop, the winner for the first international Business Process Intelligence Challenge (BPI Challenge) will be announced. There are two Apple i-Pad's to be won in this challenge!


Business Process Intelligence (BPI) is an area that is quickly gaining interest and importance in industry and research. BPI refers to the application of various measurement and analysis techniques in the area of business process management. In practice, BPI is embodied in tools for managing process execution quality by offering several features such as analysis, prediction, monitoring, control, and optimization.

The goal of this workshop is to provide a better understanding of techniques and algorithms to support a company's processes at design time and the way they are handled at runtime. We aim to bring together practitioners and researchers from different communities such as business process management, information systems research, business administration, software engineering, artificial intelligence, process mining and data mining who share an interest in the analysis of business processes and process-aware information systems. The workshop aims at discussing the current state of ongoing research and sharing practical experiences.

As a continuance of the traditions of the four previous BPI workshops, we will organize a keynote speech and a BPI workshop forum involving high-profile academics and practitioners in addition to the paper presentation sessions.

The list of topics that are relevant to the BPI workshop includes the following, but is not limited to:

Analysis Techniques at design time and/or runtime:

* Mining of business processes
* Statistical analysis in the business process management lifecycle
* Reasoning related to business process
* Business process visualization
* Machine-learning and business processes
* Measurement of business process models and business process modelling
* Retrieval related to business process management
* Similarity related to processes and cases
* Integration of processes and process models
* Mathematical optimization
* Simulation of business processes

Applications of such analysis techniques and case studies in:

* Performance Measurement of business processes
* Business Process Reengineering
* Business Process Quality
* Emergent workflows
* Process discovery
* Conformance and risk management for business processes
* Operations Management and Six Sigma
* Data warehousing
* Static and dynamic optimization
* Self-management
* Monitoring of business processes
* Resource Allocation in business processes
* Prediction
* Dynamic composition of business processes

Submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of significance, originality and technical quality. Papers should clearly establish the research contribution and the relation to previous research. The submission should clearly emphasize the discussion aspects relevant to the workshop.
Submission Guidelines

The length of a paper must not exceed 12 pages, and there is no possibility to buy additional pages. Authors are requested to prepare submissions according to the LNCS/LNBIP format specified by Springer. The title page must contain a short abstract and a classification of the topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above. Papers should be submitted electronically through easychair. Members of an international and solid program committee will review all submissions. Each paper will be reviewed by 3 PC members guaranteeing that only papers presenting high quality and innovative research and practice issues in areas relevant to the workshop theme will be accepted.

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