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ACAH 2021 : The 12th Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities (ACAH2021)


When May 24, 2021 - May 26, 2021
Where Tokyo, Japan
Submission Deadline Mar 10, 2021
Notification Due Feb 27, 2020
Final Version Due Mar 10, 2021
Categories    arts   humanities   history   interdisciplinary

Call For Papers

Call for Papers is now closed | Register as an Audience Member

May 24-26, 2021 | Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

Held in partnership with the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) at Osaka University, this international conference encourages academics and scholars to meet and exchange ideas and views in a forum stimulating respectful dialogue. This event will afford an exceptional opportunity for renewing old acquaintances, making new contacts, networking, and facilitating partnerships across national and disciplinary borders.

Since its founding in 2009, IAFOR has brought people and ideas together in a variety of events and platforms to promote and celebrate interdisciplinary study, and underline its importance. Over the past year we have engaged in many cross-sectoral projects, including those with universities (the University of Barcelona, Hofstra University, UCL, University of Belgrade and Moscow State University), a think tank (the East-West Center), as well as collaborative projects with the United Nations in New York, and here, with the Government of Japan through the Prime Minister’s office.

With the IAFOR Research Centre, we have engaged in a number of interdisciplinary initiatives we believe will have an important impact on domestic and international public policy conversations. It is through conferences like these that we expand our network and partners, and we have no doubt that ACAH2021 will offer a remarkable opportunity for the sharing of research and best practice, and for the meeting of people and ideas.

The 12th Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities (ACAH2021) is a multidisciplinary conference held concurrently with The 12th Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (ACSS2021). Speakers will provide a variety of perspectives from different academic and professional backgrounds. Registration for either conference will allow participants to attend sessions in both.

The ACAH Organising Committee welcomes submissions from a wide variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Submissions are organised into the following streams:

Teaching and Learning the Arts
Arts Policy, Management and Advocacy
Arts Theory and Criticism
Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts
Visual Arts Practices
Performing Arts Practices: Theater, Dance, Music
Literary Arts Practices
Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media
Other Arts

Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication
Aesthetics, Design
Language, Linguistics
Philosophy, Ethics, Consciousness
History, Historiography
Literature/Literary Studies*
Political Science, Politics
Teaching and Learning
Ethnicity, Difference, Identity
Immigration, Refugees, Race, Nation
First Nations and Indigenous Peoples
Sexuality, Gender, Families
Religion, Spirituality
Cyberspace, Technology
Science, Environment and the Humanities
Other Humanities

For Enquiries:
Conference website:
To submit your abstract:

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