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BDAS 2015 : 11th (IEEE technically co-sponsored) International Conference Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures


When May 26, 2015 - May 29, 2015
Where Ustron near Krakow, Poland
Submission Deadline Dec 7, 2014
Notification Due Jan 12, 2015
Final Version Due Feb 1, 2015
Categories    databases   artificial intelligence   knowledge discovery   computer science

Call For Papers

Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures (BDAS)
BDAS 2015, Ustron near Krakow (transfer provided by organizers), Poland
26 - 29 May, 2015

Databases are present in almost every IT system and collect data describing many areas of human lives and human activity. Collecting and processing of an increasing number of data makes it necessary to use computer architectures and data structures providing high performance and high availability of database systems. Moreover, a vast majority of data require appropriate processing and searching algorithms in order to make the data readable for users and to discover the knowledge that is hidden inside the data.

Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures (BDAS) is a series of conferences that intends to give the state-of-the-art of the research that satisfies the needs of modern, widely understood database systems, architectures, models, structures, and algorithms focused on processing various types of data. The aim of the conference is to reflect the most recent developments of databases and allied techniques used for solving problems in a variety of areas related to database systems, or even go one step forward - beyond the horizon of existing databases, architectures and data structures.

The 11th BDAS Conference (technically co-sponsored by IEEE) is a continuation of the highly successful BDAS conference series started in 2005, traditionally held in Ustron, Poland (transfer will be provided from/to Krakow). The Conference is focused on all aspects of databases. It is intended to have a broad scope, including different kinds of data acquisition, processing and storing. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Database architectures
- Big data
- Relational databases
- Data warehouses and OLAP
- Stream databases
- Multidimensional databases
- Distributed databases
- Fuzzy databases
- Object-oriented databases
- Catalog databases
- Temporal and spatial databases
- Mobile databases
- XML and semi-structured data

Designing, formal models and database usage
- Query languages and optimization
- Metadata management
- Data management in cloud computing
- UML in designing databases
- Performance of data processing
- Protocols, security and control of data integrity

Algorithms, data exploration and knowledge bases
- Knowledge bases
- Expert systems and artificial intelligence
- Data mining and knowledge discovery
- Data extraction and data integration
- Image and music processing
- Fuzzy sets and rough sets
- Ontologies
- Multi-agent systems
- Social networks

Database systems and applications
- Databases in the Web
- Databases in management and production (MRPII/ERP/PLM)
- Business Intelligence
- Databases in bioinformatics and biomedicine
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- New applications, systems and usage areas

We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the BDAS Conference. All papers will be peer reviewed and all accepted papers will be published in Springer's CCIS: Communications in Computer and Information Science (ISSN 1865-0929).

The conference provides the Almost All Inclusive Pass (registration fee option) that covers: 4 full days of the conference including access to all conference sessions, hotel accommodation, meals and drinks, coffee breaks, conference bag with proceedings, social events, transfer from/to Krakow.

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