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IDEAS '11D 2011 : 15th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://ideas.concordia.ca/ideas11/CFP-DW.html | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
I D E A S ' 11D
(http://ideas.encs.concordia.ca) International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium Lisbon, Portugal, 21-23 September 2011 Doctoral Workshop: CALL FOR PAPERS! IDEAS'11 Doctoral Workshop invites papers describing doctoral student's research project on any aspect touching on database engineering and applications. During this workshop, the students have a chance to orally present their work and/or also display the salient features of their work and answer questions. The length of this paper for review purpose would be 5-10 pages. The adviser could be a co:author, however, if the paper/demo is accepted, the student is required to register and participate. The papers would be reviewed and are to be presented during a special session. The accepted papers would be published in the proceedings. For other details, please see: http://ideas.concordia.ca/ideas11/CFP-DW.html http://ideas.encs.concordia.ca/ideas11/authorHelp.html http://ideas.encs.concordia.ca/ideas11/submission-guidelines.html http://ideas.encs.concordia.ca/ideas11/SecurityCertificate.html http://ideas.encs.concordia.ca/ideas11/topics.html IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission deadline: July 06, 2011 (hard deadline) Acceptance notice: July 30, 2011 Camera-ready copies due: August 27, 2011 Conference: September 21-23, 2011 SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS If you have not imported our security certificate, use the insecure site: http://confsys.encs.concordia.ca/ConfSys To import our self-signed security certificate and learn what this is all about, please first visit: http://confsys.encs.concordia.ca once you have imported our certificate into your browser, use the ConfSys secure site: https://confsys.encs.concordia.ca/ConfSys ConfSys will be used to manage all administrative functions of the meeting. The conference proceedings will be published by ACM and BytePress. It would also be included in ACM's digital library. ORGANIZATION Organized by: ISEL/IPL Lisbon, Concordia University, with the cooperation of ACM, BytePress and ConfSys.org. VENUE The Symposium venue will be ISEL/IPL Lisbon, Portugal. The Lisbon Engineering Superior Institute Campus is located at Chelas, in the East part of Lisbon, not far from the city center and the Lisbon Airport. You could have a look at a 1 minute on the IDEAS11 web site. |