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ISSEP 2020 : nternational Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, Problems


When Sep 22, 2020 - Sep 25, 2020
Where Tallinn, Estonia
Abstract Registration Due May 4, 2020
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2020
Notification Due Jun 22, 2020
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2020
Categories    computing education   informatics education   computer science education   computing in school

Call For Papers

Authors are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference. All papers will be peer reviewed and comments will be provided to the authors.

There are three different submission categories:

- Research and theory papers

- Best practice papers / country reports

- Work in progress / discussion papers

Submissions must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS style guidelines using LaTeX. The maximum length of the paper (including references, but excluding the optional appendix) is 12 pages. For online Latex editors, see e.g. Overleaf and ShareLatex. Abstract lenght — 200-300 words.
Submissions are reviewed using a double-blind process. Authors should leave their names and affiliations blank in the articles submitted for review, and take care to avoid details in the article that could be used to identify the authors. These include institution information, specific funding information and clear self-citations.
When using the LNCS style, do not change the margin size or the font, do not make a separate title page, etc.: use the LNCS style file as given. However, please do add page numbers, which can be done, for example, by adding \pagestyle{plain} just before \begin{document}.
Accepted papers will be included in the ISSEP 2020 local proceedings. Selected top quality papers will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Authors will also have the possibility to extend their work and publish it in the journal “Computer Tools in Education Journal”.

The main topics of the conference are:

- Sustainable education in Informatics for pupils of all ages

- Connecting Informatics lessons to the students’ everyday lives

- Teacher education in Informatics

- Research on Informatics in schools (empirical / qualitative / quantitative / theory building / research methods / comparative studies / transferability of methods and results from other disciplines)

- Computer tools in teaching and studying Informatics

In particular, contributions solicited cover a variety of topics including but not limited to:

- Accessibility

- Assessment

- Application of intelligent technologies to personalise learning

- Application of Learning Analytics to analyse learners behaviour

- Classroom management

- Communication skills

- Contests and Competitions in Informatics

- Computers and society

- Courseware

- Curriculum issues

- Diagnostic teaching

- Empirical methods

- Ethical/societal issues

- Gender and diversity issues

- High school/college transition issues

- Information systems

- Interdisciplinary courses and projects

- Laboratory/active learning

- Learner profiles

- Learning personalisation

- Misconceptions

- Multimedia

- Pedagogy

- Programming contests

- Students cognitive traits

- Students learning styles

- Student retention and persistence

- Research in Informatics education

- Role of programming and algorithmics

- Teacher education

- Using emerging instructional technologies

- Web-based techniques

Work submitted to ISSEP should be novel and material that has been previously published should not be republished unless the work has been significantly revised. Note however, that while novel work is highly valued, constructive replication of previous studies can also be a significant contribution, and a new interpretation or evaluation of previously-published work can make a good contribution.

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