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WDA 2008 : Workshop on Dependable Architectures


When Nov 9, 2008 - Nov 9, 2008
Where Lake Como, Italy
Submission Deadline Sep 8, 2008
Notification Due Oct 6, 2008
Final Version Due Oct 13, 2008
Categories    reliability   computer architecture   microarchitecture    dependable systems

Call For Papers

WDA-3 2008

3rd Workshop on Dependable Architectures
(extends previously held Workshop on Architectural Reliability - WAR)

In conjunction with the

41st International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-41)

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Lake Como, Italy


Current computer technology trends present to the hardware and software designer novel opportunities to improve performance and at the same time many challenges to overcome. One of the formidable challenges is to provide dependable operation - in terms of reliability and availability - for a system made of unreliable components.

The combination of various developments brought dependability to prominence: soft-error rate is projected to increase with scaling; variability due to non-deterministic placement of dopant atoms and channel length is increasing design margins; better than worst-case design techniques for power/performance require error detection/correction; aggressive application of power-saving mechanisms such as clock- and Vdd-gating are increasing voltage droops; the verification manpower budget is becoming a significant part of the design effort; oxide breakdown and electromigration are decreasing processor lifetimes.

New research frontiers are therefore open for exploration that will lead to the discovery and development of dependable architectures, this includes research at all design levels: circuit, architecture, compiler, OS and network. This workshop aims to become a forum for academia and industry to discuss and present ideas and recent developments in the design and evaluation of dependable architectures both software and hardware.

Call for papers:
Two kinds of papers are invited:
1. Technical papers (at least 6 pages) for relatively mature ideas.
2. Position papers (3 pages maximum) on directions for research and development.

Please submit an electronic copy of your paper (in PDF) in two column format with at least 10pt font. Submission instructions and other workshop related information will appear here.

The selected papers will be made available online. However, publication in WDA does not preclude later publication at regular conferences or journals.

Topics of interest include but not limited:

* Multi-core Dependability Challenges and Opportunities
* Compiler and Operating System Aware Dependability
* Dependable On-chip Interconnect and Routing
* Soft-error measurement, modeling and mitigation techniques
* Lifetime reliability
* Better than worst case design
* Dynamic verification techniques
* Approximate processing and reliability
* Process Variation Aware Design
* Techniques for reducing impact of variability:
- Temperature, Voltage droops, dI/dT, Crosstalk
* Fault-aware computing:
- Fault injection, detection, Error modeling, Fail-safe and fail-stop systems, Time and space redundancy, dRedundancy/dEnergy (dR/dE) -efficient architectures
* Compiler/architecture/OS synergistic techniques and interaction for dependability

Important Dates
Paper due: September 8, 2008 (11.59PM PDT)
Notification: October 6, 2008
Final paper due: October 13, 2008

Yiannakis Sazeides, University of Cyprus
Osman Unsal, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Oguz Ergin, TOBB University of Economic and Technology

Program Committee
Todd Austin, University of Michigan
David Brooks, Harvard University
Veerle Desmet, Ghent University
Oguz Ergin, TOBB University of Economic and Technology
Babak Falsafi, EPFL
C. Mani Krishna, UMass, Amherst
Shubu Mukherjee, Intel
Onur Mutlu, Microsoft
Jude Rivers, IBM
Yiannakis Sazeides, University of Cyprus
Osman Unsal, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Xavi Vera, Intel
David Kaeli, Northeastern University

Previous Workshops
WAR-1 (2005)
WAR-2 (2006)

Constantinos Kourouyiannis, University of Cyprus

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