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SSBSE 2011 : Symposium on Search-based Software Engineering


Conference Series : Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering
When Sep 10, 2011 - Sep 12, 2011
Where Szeged, Hungary
Abstract Registration Due Apr 15, 2011
Submission Deadline Apr 29, 2011
Notification Due Jun 17, 2011
Categories    software engineering   search

Call For Papers

We invite the submission of high quality papers describing original and significant work in all areas of Search Based Software Engineering, including theoretical work, research on SBSE applications, empirical studies, and reports on industrial experience. Applications may be drawn from throughout the software engineering lifecycle. Search methods may include, but are not limited to, operations research techniques and optimisation methods inspired by nature, such as evolutionary algorithms and simulated annealing. We particularly encourage papers that describe software engineering applications to which SBSE has not previously been applied.

Format and submission

Papers must not have been previously published nor be in consideration for, any journal, book, or other conference. Papers will be evaluated by members of the program committee based on their originality, technical soundness and quality of presentation. Submissions must conform to Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format. Technical papers should not exceed 15 pages, including all text, figures, references and appendices. Please download one of the following zip files in order to prepare your paper according to the LNCS style: Latex, Word 97-2003 or Word 2007.

If the paper is accepted, at least one author is expected to attend the symposium and to present the paper. Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings which will be published in the Springer LNCS series.

Graduate student track

We also invite papers for a special Graduate Student track that will provide a venue for students to showcase their SBSE research and to receive feedback from senior members of the SBSE community. Papers submitted to this track should be no more than 6 pages in length using the LNCS format detailed above. To be eligible, a student must be registered on a doctoral or masters programme and must not yet have completed their studies. It is the expectation that the student will give the presentation at the symposium, though there may be other authors on the paper.

Fast abstracts

Fast abstracts feature novel ideas that are not yet fully developed or validated. Fast abstract have a later deadline than technical papers, and are subject to a lighter reviewing process. Fast abstracts should comprise no more than 6 pages using the LNCS format detailed above. Accepted fast abstracts will be presented at the symposium and published on the symposium website.

Special issue of Empirical Software Engineering

The authors of selected symposium papers that include significant experimental work will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for a special issue of Empirical Software Engineering.

Best paper prize

There will be a prize of €1000 for the best paper at SSBSE 2011, as decided by the program committee. The best paper prize is provided courtesy of SSBSE sponsors Berner & Mattner, IBM, Sulake, Softeam and the FITTEST project.


Technical papers & Graduate Students Track

Abstract submissionFriday 15th April 2011 (11:59PM HST)
Full submissionFriday 29th April 2011 (11:59PM HST)
NotificationFriday 17th June 2011 (11:59PM HST)
Camera-ready version dueFriday 1st July 2011 (11:59PM HST)
Fast Abstracts

SubmissionFriday 22nd July 2011 (11:59PM HST)
NotificationFriday 29th July 2011 (11:59PM HST)

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