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OpenSky 2019 : The 7th OpenSky Workshop 2019


When Nov 21, 2019 - Nov 22, 2019
Where Zurich
Submission Deadline Sep 2, 2019
Categories    data science   aviation   wireless

Call For Papers

Call for Participation

The OpenSky Network Association is pleased to announce the 7th OpenSky Workshop and invites everyone to participate.

Date: 21/22th November 2019.
Place: Zurich, Switzerland

Further important dates are:
Abstracts due: September 2nd 2019
Notification of acceptance: Mid-October 2019
Program announcement: Start of November 2019

Scope and Overview

Since its launch in 2013, the OpenSky Network has quickly evolved to a large-scale air traffic control data collection and sharing platform. With now more than 1000 sensors operated by volunteers across the globe and more than 8000 users, the OpenSky Network is today greatly contributing towards the vision of a more efficient, secure and reliable operation of the airspace by providing open accessibility of air traffic control data to the public. Following the successful workshops in the last years, we are proud to announce the sixth instance of the OpenSky workshop.

This two-day event will take place in Zurich (Switzerland) in November 2019. The event is targeted at anyone interested in data-based aviation research. The workshop will serve as a forum to discuss new ideas, the network itself, and research activities around the OpenSky Network. Participants are invited to actively contribute to the program by presenting their projects at the workshop. As in the last years, there will be many opportunities to get to know the community during the social activities around the workshop program. In the past years, the workshop attracted a diverse and interesting audience from research, authorities, and industry.

Call for Presentations and Papers

As every year, the workshop invites presentations from the community. The workshop is interested in presentations that can foster discussions and provide input for future development and research around OpenSky as well as a safer and more secure aviation in general. Potential presenters are free to choose any topic for their presentations, but the presentations should be related to the OpenSky Network in a wider sense.

Novel this year, the authors of accepted presentations shall summarize their work in form of short papers that will be made available as online proceedings. The submitted papers may partially overlap with other submissions to journals or conferences, but there should be an additional contribution that is original and has not been presented yet (e.g., new data analysis, description of a novel application, extension of existing work, etc.). The papers are welcome to depict images, graphs, and data that are part of the presentations. The paper submissions provide a means for researchers in the OpenSky community to incorporate reviewer feedback based on the abstract submissions, provide the opportunity for timestamping work in progress, and can be used as a reference. The program committee may make the short paper requirement optional in justified cases (e.g., cutting-edge industry talks) but all submissions with accompanying papers will be given preferential treatment in the selection process.

The OpenSky Workshop 2019 proceedings will be published as a volume in the EasyChair EPiC series.

Submission Guidelines

The submissions consist of:

Abstract submissions describing the idea of the work and presentation that will be given at the workshop. Abstracts should have a length of 1-2 pages and are due by September 2nd, 2019.
Paper submissions describing and explaining the work in more details. Papers should be 3-6 pages long and are due by the start of the workshop on November 21st, 2019.

Please ensure that your submissions are PDF files of a maximum of 2 pages (Abstract) and 6 pages (Papers), including references and appendices. Submissions should be double column and be generated using the ACM acmart template available here, using the [sigconf] option. Submissions should not use older ACM templates (e.g., sig-alternate). Abstract submissions may be anonymous (i.e., papers do not contain author names or affiliations), but author names and affiliations must be part of the Paper submissions.

The EasyChair system will be used for collecting submissions, providing reviewer feedback, and notifications. Please visit for further information.

General Chair: Martin Strohmeier (armasuisse/University of Oxford)
Program Chair: Christina Pöpper (New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE)
Publication/Web Chair: Matthias Schäfer (SeRo Systems)

The full committee will be announced on the website.

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