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SIIE 2011 : 4th. International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.siie.fr & http://siie2011.loria.fr | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
* CALL FOR PAPERS SIIE'2011 * 4th. International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence February 17, 18 and 19th., 2011 at Marrakech (Maroc) Thematic keynotes & tutorials (Websites: www.siie.fr & http://siie2011.loria.fr) ****************************************************************************** Important dates: ---------------- Papers due (deadline): Novembre 7th., 2010 Notification of acceptance: December 15th., 2010 Final paper & Camera-ready due: January 8 th., 2011 Registration for authors (deadline): January 15 th., 2011 Conference: February 17, 18 et 19 th., 2011 The 10 best paper awards: February 19 th., 2011 Description: ------------ The conference aims to develop the dialogue between experts and researchers from public and private, to acquire basic and experimental on Information Systems and Business Intelligence (or economic intelligence (EI) in French terminology) (SIIE). This promotes, in a risk environment, technologies related to economic intelligence. The dynamic of EI depends on the control of knowledge and requires competences to design the best strategies and ensure that decision-makers to take the right decisions. The international conference SIIE will be held in its fourth edition at Marrakech in February 2011, after the first three successful editions in Tunisia. The 2011 conference is supported by the University of La Manouba (Tunisia), the University of Nancy (France), the High Institute of Applied Engineering - IGA (Marocco) and is sponsored by the Higher Education Ministry of Marocco, (...), and IEEE. The first three editions (2008, 2009 and 2010) have allowed academic researchers and economic actors to achieve completed projects. The goal of SIIE is to continue in this way by creating opportunities, ideas and innovative ways to enhance projects, and build connections between universities and industries on both sides of the Mediterranean sea. SIIE'2011 includes lectures, tutorials, sessions and panels by experts, to identify new approaches and knowledge in economic intelligence, applied research and feedback. This will allow the emergence of new clusters in competive intelligence. In a friendly framework, pleasant and cordial life context, the SIIE conference has always been thought to promote the weaving of trust networks between actors in academia, industry and political. The expert recommendations and advices will help the SIIE community to find solutions to their many questions and problems. Program days: ------------- 1 - Keynotes & Tutorials: * February 17, 18 and 19th., 2011 (AM.): each day a keynote and a tutorial in plenary session, given by guest speakers, experts in their field. The objective is to develop theory, models and applications. 2 - Parallel sessions: * February 17 and 18th., 2011 (PM.): twelve parallel sessions of oral presentations of the best research projects selected by the scientific committee. The presentations will bring together current work of senior and junior researchers from academia and industry (research, demonstrations, prototypes and softwares). 3 - Panels: * February 17 and 18th., 2011 (PM.): two thematic panels in plenary session on topical issues in the world of business and governance. Topics of interest: ------------------- 1 - Information System and Economic Intelligence: A. Conceptual models of information systems B. Data warehousing C. Data mining and information retrieval 2 - Collaborative Information retrieval: A. Trends in internal and external enterprise monitoring tools and E.I. tools B. Strategic information and economic intelligence systems C. Collaborative work and filtering, information collection and analysis in information retrieval systems 3 - Languages and knowledge industries: A. Information heterogeneous or multilingual, process analysis and design corpus of information B. Mapping of resources, indexing and knowledge management C. Annotation and decision making 4 - Economic Intelligence and Management: A. Integration of EI concepts in enterprises: industry: experiences and case studies B. Concepts, processes and actions in EI: research and applications C. Key success factors of EI and performance measures 5 - Cognitive and social dimensions in watch and EI processes: A. Multidimensional approaches of "information need" notion B. Cognitive and social dimensions of information practices C. Integration of monitoring and EI tools 6 - Information Management and knowledge sharing: A. Enterprise organizational memory, management of operational know-how B. Taking into consideration of adapted means of description: towards multimedia C. Information, competitive, and technological intelligence D. Managing information overload 7 - Intelligent e-Technology: A. Intelligent Human-Web Interaction B. Semantics and Ontology Engineering C. Web Mining, Web agents and Web Services D. Security, Integrity, Privacy and Trust of systems 8 - Information systems governance: A. Production of value and strategic alignment B. Resource management, risk measurement and performance of information systems C. Norms and methods Scientific Committee: --------------------- * Jean-Paul HATON, (LORIA/INRIA - Nancy Université et Institut Universitaire de France) : Chairman * ABIK Mounia, (IEEE Morocco section & ENSIAS - Université Mohammed V Souissi Rabat, Morocco) * ABOUTAJDINE Driss, (IEEE Morocco section & Faculté des Sciences, université Mohammed V-Agdal - Rabat, Morocco) * AGOSTINELLI Serge, (LSIS UMR CNRS 6168 - Université Paul Cezanne Aix-Marseille III, France) * BAÏNA Karim, (ENSIAS - Université Mohammed V Souissi Rabat, Morocco) * BAYAD Mohamed, (CEREFIGE – Nancy Université, France) * BEN GHEZALA Henda (ENSI - Université de la Manouba & Présidente de l’Université, Tunisie) * BEN HAMADOU Abdelmajid, (Lab. MIRACL Université de Sfax, Tunisia) * BOUDJLIDA Nacer, (LORIA - Nancy Université/Nancy 1, France) * BOUNABAT Bouchaïb, (ENSIAS - Université Mohammed V Souissi Rabat, Morocco) * BOYER Anne, (LORIA - Nancy Université/Nancy 2, France). * CHAUDIRON Stéphane, (Université de Lille 3, France) * EL MOHAJIR Mohammed, (co-Chair IEEE Morocco section & Faculty of Science Dhar Mahraz - Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdelah University, Morocco) * ESSAAIDI Mohammad, (Chair of IEEE Morocco section & Faculty of Science of Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco) * FLORY André, (INSA de Lyon, France) * GAMMOUDI Mohamed Mohsen (Université Carthage 7 Novembre, Tunisia) * GHENIMA Malek, (ESCE - Université de la Manouba, Tunisia) * GRIVEL Luc, (Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France) * HASSANALY Parina, (IEP d’Aix-en-Provence, France) * HASSOUN Mohamed (ENSSIB de Villeurbanne, France) * KADRI-MESSAID Amina (Université d'Alger - CREAD, Algeria) * KASSOU Ismaïl, (ENSIAS - Université Mohammed V Souissi de Rabat, Morocco) * KAZAR Okba, (Département d'informatique - Université de Biskra, Algeria) * KHALIDI IDRISSI Mohamed, (Département de Génie Informatique, Université Mohamed V Rabat, Morocco) * LÓPEZ-HUERTAS María, (Universidad de Granada, Spain) * MILLE Alain (LIRIS – Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, France) * Miranda Serge, (Faculté des Sciences, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France) * OHLY Peter, (GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften – Bonn, Germany) * OUKSEL Aris M., (Dept. of Information and Decision Sciences - University of Illinois at Chicago, USA) * PECQUET Pascal, (Université de Montpellier 1, France) * PINON Jean-Marie, (INSA de Lyon, France) * ROUSSANALY Azim, (LORIA - Nancy Université/Nancy 2, France) * ROUSSET Marie-Christine, (LIG – Université de Grenoble, France) * SAADI Sofiane (NT2S Consulting Inc. - Vancouver, Canada & Cabinet LOGE, Algeria) * SAINT LEGER Guy, (ESC Saint-Etienne, France) * SIDHOM Sahbi, (LORIA - Nancy Université/Nancy 2, France) * SMAILI Kamel, (LORIA - Nancy Université/Nancy 2 France) * SOLBERG SØILEN Klaus, (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden) * YILDIZ Ustun (University of California - Davis, USA) Steering Committee: ------------------- * GHENIMA Malek, (ESCE & Université de la Manouba) * SIDHOM Sahbi, (LORIA & Nancy University) * BENZAKOUR Khalid, (Institut Supérieur du Génie Appliqué - Casablanca, Maroc) Organizing Committee: --------------------- * GHENIMA Malek, (ESCE & Université de la Manouba) : International Co-Chair * SIDHOM Sahbi, (LORIA & Nancy University) : International Co-Chair * BENZAKOUR Khalid, (Institut Supérieur du Génie Appliqué - Casablanca, Maroc) : National Chair * (members in sollicitation) Conference languages: --------------------- - All papers must be written in English - All video projection and presentations (PowerPoint) must be written in English - Oral presentations and discussions are permitted in French and / or in English. Submission Guidelines: Paper submission: Authors are invited to download the following templates according to The Template and Instructions on How to Create Your IEEE Paper from URL: http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors/transjnl/index.html#article - DOC Format: http://www.ieee.org/portal/cms_docs_iportals/iportals/publications/journmag/transactions/TRANS-JOUR.doc - LaTEX Format: http://www.ieee.org/portal/cms_docs_iportals/iportals/publications/journmag/transactions/IEEEtran.zip Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not currently being considered in any other forum. Manuscripts must be submitted to: SIIE 2011 "EasyChair Conference system". The scientific and the program committees will evaluate the relevance of each propositions submitted and will propose modifications if need be. Paper Formats (DOC, RTF or PDF): - For conferences: Full papers must not exceed 15 pages. - For tutorials: Short papers must not exceed 7 pages. Rating: - The Scientific Committee will assess the relevance of each proposal and will propose appropriate changes - The acceptance criteria are: originality of the contribution, importance to the community and impact on future scientific work, significance of results and quality of presentation. Submission: - Dear authors, we invite you to submit your contributions from the site EasyChair Conference System: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=siie2011 - If you do not have an account EasyChair, we invite you to start and create one. Conference Venue: ----------------- Hotel [ Atlas Asni ] Marrakech (Morocco), URL [ http://www.agoda.fr/africa/morocco/marrakech/atlas_asni_hotel.html ] at : Gueliz place - avenue de France, 4000 Marrakech (Morocco) * Center town of the Marrakech city. * 5 kms from the Marrakech international airport * 160 kms from the Casablanca international airport. Download: CFP (English) | CFP (French) --------- * http://siie2011.loria.fr/CFP_SIIE_2011-Marrakech_(english)_vF.PDF * http://siie2011.loria.fr/CFP_SIIE_2011-Marrakech_(french)_vF.PDF |