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NaBIC 2009 : World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing


Conference Series : Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing
When Dec 9, 2009 - Dec 11, 2009
Where Coimbatore, India
Submission Deadline Jun 26, 2009
Notification Due Aug 14, 2009
Final Version Due Sep 14, 2009
Categories    molecular computing   natural computing   unconventional models   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

The World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC'09) is being organized to discuss the state-of-the-art as well as to address various issues with respect to building up of computers in man's image. The aim is to build a 3 day platform where the concerned researchers /academicians /engineers from diverge regions of the world would converge to share their excitement and paradoxically, frustration towards the pursuit of building up of machines that would not be strictly algorithmic in nature and are capable of handling ambiguity, uncertainty etc. by applying common sense. The theme for this symposium is "Nurturing Intelligent Computing Towards Advancement of Machine Intelligence".

The congress will provide an excellent opportunity for scientists, academicians and engineers to present and discuss the latest scientific results and methods. The conference will include keynote addresses, contributed papers, organized workshops and numerous lectures as well as tutorials. All accepted papers will appear in conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society and indexed by both EI (Compendex) and ISTP. A first of its kind in India, NABIC will no doubt be proved to be exciting and educative. The General Chairs, along with the entire team invite you to take part in the event and cherish the same in the days to come.

So let us pledge to ensure destination Coimbatore, India during 9-11 Dec, 2009

Suash Deb, Ajith Abraham, Francisco Herrera
General Chairs - NaBIC'09

Submission of Papers

The World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NABIC'09) brings together international researchers,developers, practitioners, and users. The aim is to build a 3 day platform where the concerned researchers /academicians /engineers from diverge regions of the world would converge to share their excitement and paradoxically, frustration towards the pursuit of building up of machines that would not be strictly algorithmic in nature and are capable of handling ambiguity, uncertainty etc. by applying common sense.
The theme for this symposium is "Nurturing Intelligent Computing Towards Advancement of Machine Intelligence".

The aim of NaBIC is to serve as a forum to present current and future work as well as to exchange research ideas in this field. NABIC'09 invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work that demonstrates current research in all areas of Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, as well as proposals for workshops, industrial presentations, demonstrations, and tutorials.

Authors should submit an electronic version of papers using the submission system which will be available very soon.
The papers should be organized so as to accommodate abstract, introduction, state-of-the-art, objective, used methodology, obtained results and references.
Please see a sample paper: http://www.

Submitted papers should be original and contain contributions of theoretical, experimental or application nature, or be unique experience reports.
Papers must be submitted within the stipulated time (June 26, 2009) and electronic submission in PDF is required. The page limit for a full-length paper is 6 pages.
Short papers describing novel research visions, work-in-progress or less mature results are also welcome, with the limit of 4 pages.
All submissions should be in the IEEE 8.5 two-column format. Papers should contain up to 5 keywords. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance,
clarity, and soundness, and will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers.

Accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Selected papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication
in special issues of several international Journals.

Please refer to the author templates given below:
MS Word template:

LaTex Formatting Macros:

The authors of the accepted papers will be allowed to make a correction in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewers and submit final camera-ready papers within the stipulated deadline. The conference proceedings will be distributed amongst the participants during the conference. Accepted papers must be presented by author(s) personally to be published in the conference proceedings.

Deadline for Paper Submission : June 26, 2009
Notification for Acceptance : August 14, 2009
Deadline for Camera Ready Manuscript : September 14, 2009

The papers are solicited in the following (but not limited) Areas:
# Artificial Neural Networks

# Biodegradability Prediction

# Cellular Automata

# Evolutionary Algorithms

# Swarm Iintelligence

# Emergent Systems

# Artificial Life

# Lindenmayer Systems

# Digital Organisms

# Artificial Immune Systems

# Membrane Computing

# Simulated Annealing

# Communication Networks and Protocols

# Computing with Words

# Common Sense Computing

# Cognitive Modeling and Architecture

# Connectionism
# Metaheuristics

# Hybrid Approaches

# Quantum Computing

# Nano Computing

Industrial Applications of Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing Information Retrieval
# Robotics

# Fault Diagnosis

# Bioinformatics

# Web Intelligence

# Speech Processing

# Business Information Systems

# Knowledge Management

# Evolvable Hardware

# Image and Signal Processing

# Pattern Recognition

# Traffic and Transportation System

# Decision Analysis

# Data Mining

# Computer Vision

# Information and Communication Technology

# Control System

Submission of Paper can be through following link:-

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