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UMCit 2019 : 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and User Modelling for Smart Cities


When Sep 16, 2019 - Sep 16, 2019
Where Wurzburg, Germany
Submission Deadline Jun 28, 2019
Notification Due Jul 19, 2019
Final Version Due Jul 26, 2019
Categories    smart cities   artificial intelligence   data mining   computer science

Call For Papers

CFP: Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and User Modelling for Smart Cities (with ECML PKDD 2019)

Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and User Modelling for Smart Cities (ECML PKDD-UMCit 2019) - In conjunction with ECML PKDD-2019

September 16, 2019
Wurzburg, Germany

User modeling and personalization are commonly used in multiple tasks, in which users are characterized only based on explicit information about their knowledge, behavior, social relations or preferences, aiming at adapting generic systems to the particularities of each user. The ubiquitousness of social networking sites and smart-devices offer new information sources, opportunities and challenges for changing the personalization paradigm. This includes mining and analyzing user behavior aiming at better understanding users (and ourselves), and thereby create more accurate models and personalization strategies. The analysis of these new data sources offers new research opportunities across a wide variety of disciplines, including media and communication studies, linguistics, sociology, health, psychology, ecology, economy, information and computer sciences, or education.
Rapid urbanization in developing economies, coupled with reduced cost for information networks and data collection and transfer, are great drivers to the emergence of smart city markets. Vast amounts of data are becoming available from sensory and user mobility devices and other urban data collection sources. In this context, information retrieval and content analysis algorithms are required to make use of this large scale data to provide more intelligent urban services and to enhance user experience. This workshop targets academy and industrial practitioners leveraging on diverse data mining and machine learning techniques, including content aggregation, content analysis, predictive modeling, deep learning and user embedding for modeling user behavior and analyzing urban data

The target audience of this workshop are professionals, researchers, and technologists who will benefit of a single forum where they can discuss and share state-of-the-art developments and applications related to knowledge discovery and user modeling for smart cities, present their ideas and contributions, and set future directions in innovative research in those areas. Particularly, at ECML-PKDD 2019 this workshop targets people who are interested in sensing/mining/understanding data generated by citizens (including but not limited to social media data and data generated with smart devices) that can result in personalization models, as well as serving to tackle challenges in cities and help better formulate the future.

The workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas between the different research communities and practitioners involved in the research on lifelong user modelling and personalization in the context of smart cities. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* Mining, aggregation and analysis of personal, linked and social data.
* Big data, scalability issues and technologies for massive social data extraction and management.
* Mining data from sensor networks, wearable devices for collecting user information such as behaviour or biometric data.
* Mining of user behaviour, feedback tracking, opinion mining, and sentiment analysis.
* Recommender systems based on urban data.
* Gamification and/or crowdsourcing for user and smart cities data mining and applications.
* Evaluation of lifelogging technologies.
* Approaches for the personalization of inclusive, personal and interactive services to citizens.
* Citizen-centred service design and modeling.
* Data driven urban planning.
* Intelligent transportation: traffic flow prediction, route planning and transportation safety, among others.
* User modeling and intelligent models for smart government (i.e. eGovernment).
* User models for eHealth applications.
* Knowledge discovery from environment data.
* Ethics, privacy, perceived security and trust.
* User-lifelong learning models.
* Standards, specifications for lifelong user models.
* Interoperability, semantics for reusing and sharing user data.
* Ethical issues, transparency, privacy management of urban data.
* Managing security and trust for urban data in the cloud.

Each submitted paper to the workshop will be refereed by at least three members of the Workshop Program Committee, based on its novelty, technical quality, potential impact, insightfulness, depth, clarity, and reproducibility.

Submissions must be in English, and can present mature research or experimental results as well as promising work in progress. We invite three kinds of submissions:

* Full research papers (12+ pages) should describe a novel contribution to the field and should carefully support claims of novelty with citations to the relevant literature. Where a submission builds upon previous work of the author(s), the novelty of the new contribution must be clearly described with respect to the previous work but the author identity should not be revealed, i.e., prior work should be referenced in the third person, to reflect the double-blind review policy. Papers should also clearly discuss how the results were validated.

* Short papers (6-8 pages) presenting work in progress as:
* Experience papers describing a significant experience in knowledge discovery and user modelling for Smart Cities. Papers should carefully identify and discuss important lessons learned, so that other researchers and/or practitioners can benefit from the experience.
* New Ideas papers are intended to describe well-defined research ideas that are at an early stage of investigation and not fully validated, but are argued to be plausible.

* Position papers (4 pages) proposing and describing research challenges in theory or practice of any of the topics of interest. The papers in this category must be based on deep understanding of existing research or industrial problems and should be defining new promising research directions.

All manuscripts should be prepared according to the Springer LNCS guidelines.

Proceedings will be published in a Volume of Springer LNCS.

Article submission system:

Extended versions of selected papers will be invited to submit an extension of their manuscript (with at least 30% additional content) to a special issue to be potentially published on Knowledge-Based Systems (Elsevier) or similar journal.

* Workshop paper submission deadline: Friday, June 28, 2019
* Workshop paper acceptance notification : Friday, July 19, 2019
* Workshop paper camera-ready deadline: Monday, July 26, 2019

All deadlines are at 11:59PM Alofi Time.

* Dr. Rabeah Alzaidy. King Abdullah, University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
* Dr. Marcelo G. Armentano. ISISTAN, CONICET-UNICEN, Argentina.
* Dr. Antonela Tommasel. ISISTAN, CONICET-UNICEN, Argentina.
* Dr. Ludovico Boratto. Eurecat, Barcelona, Spain.
* Dr. Clyde Lee Giles. College of Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsylvania State University, USA.

If you have questions regarding the workshop or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at

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