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ICEMIS 2017 : International Conference on Engineering and MIS 2017


When May 8, 2017 - May 10, 2017
Where Monastir, Tunisia
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2017
Categories    computing   IOT   engineering   MIS

Call For Papers

Conference CFPs / Submission Deadline by 15 March 2017

ICEMIS 2017 (May 08-10, 2017, Monastir University, Monastir, Tunisia) The International Conference on Engineering and MIS 2017 (

The International Conference on Engineering & MIS 2017 will take place in Roses Beach Hotel, Monastir, Tunisia, 08-10 May, 2017. The ICEMIS 2017 is organized by the International Association of Researchers (IARES), a non-profit international association for the researchers. The ICEMIS is co-sponsored by the Monastir University, Monastir, Tunisia. In addition, IEEE Tunisia Section or ACM technically might sponsor the ICEMIS 2017 that includes sessions and different tracks.

The conference has the focus on the frontier topics in the theoretical and applied engineering and MIS subjects. The ICEMIS conference serves as good platforms for our members and the entire engineering and MIS community to meet with each other and to exchange ideas. ICEMIS 2017 Conference will be held at the Roses Beach Hotel, Monastir, Tunisia. Note that the ICEMIS 2016 Conference was held at the Ibn Zohr University in Agadir, Morocco. The IEEE ICEMIS 2016 will be available at the IEEE Digital Library soon. In addition, the ACM ICEMIS 2015 Conference was held at the İstanbul Kemerburgaz University in Istanbul, Turkey. The ACM ICEMIS 2015 is available at the ACM Digital Library via the following link:

All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding. The abstracts will be indexed and available at major academic databases such as DBLP, ACM (Pending), IEEE (Pending) and Google Scholar. In addition, Special issues will be published in some SCI and Scopus journals.

A number of joint sessions will be held in conjunction with the ICEMIS 2017 includes:

1. Session of Innovative Applications on Modern Devices - the Key Factor of Effective Education and Edutainment
2.Session on Software Engineering and Knowledge Discovery
3. Session on Social Computing and Cloud
4. Session on Civil Engineering & Architectural Engineering
5. Session on Smart Cities
6. Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT)

Journal Special Issue CFPs
Special issues will be published in the following SCI and ACM-indexed journals:
- Special issue on New Trends in Data Mining, Games Engineering and Database Systems - Computers & Electrical Engineering (Impact Factor, ISI Thomson Reuters, SCI) - Elsevier. electrical-engineering
- Special Issue on Soft Computing, Journal of Universe Computer Science (ISI Thomson Reuters, SCI, Impact Factor).
- Special issue on “Advances in Visual Analytics and Mining Visual data”, Multimedia Tools and Applications (ISI Thomson Reuters, SCI, Impact Factor), Springer.
- Special issue on Big Data and Cloud Computing and Applications, International Journal of Cloud Computing and Applications (ISI Thomson, ESCI, ACM, DBLP), IGI-Global, USA

If you need any help, please email us at


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