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DASFAA 2020 : Database Systems for Advanced Applications


Conference Series : Database Systems for Advanced Applications
When May 21, 2020 - May 24, 2020
Where Seoguipo KAL Hotel, Jeju, Korea
Abstract Registration Due Dec 13, 2019
Submission Deadline Dec 20, 2019
Notification Due Feb 14, 2020
Final Version Due Feb 28, 2020
Categories    database   big data   data mining   machine learning

Call For Papers


25th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2020)
21-24 MAY, 2020 Seoguipo KAL Hotel, Jeju, Korea


DASFAA is an annual international database conference, which showcases state-of-the-art R&D activities in database systems and their applications. It provides a forum for technical presentations and discussions among database researchers, developers and users from academia, business and industry.

The 25th DASFAA will be held in Jeju, Korea on May 21-24, 2020. South Korea, the homeland of K-pop and peculiarly BTS, is the perfect venue for addressing contemporary database issues as new data-related technical trends have been arising out of Korea’s top-notch IT infrastructure and cultural dynamicity. Jeju island, centred with the tallest mountain in South Korea; Halla Mountain, is one of the most exceptional islands in the world to enjoy countless outdoor activities in diverse milieus alongside a variety of dining options. Noticeably, this scenic and volcanic island was selected as one of the new seven wonders of nature in 2011. Jeju International Airport is connected with over 100 flights per day from Seoul and is also linked with over 50 direct flights per day to international destinations in China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and Malaysia. Additionally, at less than 40 minutes by road from the airport is the conference venue, Seoguipo KAL hotel.


For up-to-date information on DASFAA 2020, visit its homepage:
For more information about Jeju, see
TOPICS of interest include, but are not limited to:

Advanced database and Web applications
Big data
Bio & health Informatics
Blockchain, parallel & distributed systems
Cloud data management
Data archive and digital library Data mining
Data model and query language
Data quality and credibility
Data semantics and data integration
Data streams and time-series data
Data warehouse and OLAP
Databases for emerging hardware
Database usability and HCI
Graph data management
Indexing and storage systems
Information extraction and summarization Machine learning for database
Multimedia databases
Probabilistic and uncertain data
Query processing and optimization
Real-time data management
Recommendation systems
Search and information retrieval
Security, privacy, and trust
Semantic web and knowledge management
IoT & sensor data management
Social network analytics
Statistical and scientific databases
Temporal and spatial databases
Transaction management
Web information systems
XML, RDF and semi-structured data


The Program Co-Chairs are soliciting contributed technical papers for presentation at the Conference and publication in the Conference Proceedings by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series.

December 13, 2019: Abstract Due
December 20, 2019: Full Paper Due
February 14, 2020: Notification of Accept/Reject
February 28, 2020: Camera-ready Due


Please follow the guidelines given at the Website: Papers must be submitted electronically via EasyChair in standard Springer LNCS format (max 16 pages). Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process, coordinated by the Program Committee


Organizing Committee

General Chair
• Yunmook Nah, Dankook Univ., Korea

Program Co-Chairs
• Bin Cui, Peking Univ., China
• Sang-Won Lee, Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea
• Jeffrey Xu Yu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Industry Program Co-Chairs
• Sangjun Lee, Soongsil Univ., Korea
• Eenjun Hwang, Korea Univ., Korea

Demo Co-Chairs
• Makoto P. Kato, Kyoto Univ., Japan
• Hwanjo Yu, POSTECH, Korea

Tutorial Chair
• U Kang, Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea

Workshop Co-Chairs
• Chulyun Kim, Sookmyung Women’s University, Korea
• Seon Ho Kim, USC, USA

Panel Chair
• Wook-Shin Han, POSTECH, Korea

Organizing Committee Chair
• Jinseok Chae, Incheon Nat’l. Univ., Korea

Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
• Jun-Ki Min, Koreatec, Korea
• Haejin Chung, Dankook Univ., Korea

Registration Chair
• Min-Soo Kim, DGIST, Korea

Publication Co-Chairs
• Yang-Sae Moon, Kangwon Nat’l. Univ., Korea
• Steven Euijong Whang, KAIST, Korea

Publicity Co-Chairs
• Jonghoon Chun, Myongji Univ., Korea
• Yingxia Shao, Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecommunications, China
• Taehyung Wang, Cal State U. Northridge, USA

Web Chair
• Ha-Joo Song, Pukyong Nat’l. Univ., Korea

Finance Chair
• Dongseop Kwon, Myongji Univ., Korea

Sponsor Chair
• Bonghee Hong, Pusan Nat’l. Univ., Korea

DASFAA Steering Committee Liaison
• Kyuseok Shim, Seoul Nat’l. Univ., Korea

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