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Florida State University 2020 : Experiential Design – Rethinking relations between people, objects and environments


When Jan 16, 2020 - Jan 17, 2020
Where Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Submission Deadline Nov 20, 2019
Notification Due Dec 10, 2019
Final Version Due Apr 10, 2020
Categories    industrial design   wellbeing   learning and education   spatial design

Call For Papers

This conference seeks to explore the importance of user orientated design for health and well-being in the design of buildings, interiors, products and interfaces of technologies such as gaming and apps.

Its interdisciplinary seeks contributions from various fields:

Interiors | Products | Education | Psychology | Health | Furniture | Wellbeing | Art | Architecture | Universal Design | Urbanism | Landscape | Occupational Therapy


Keynotes: Chris Downey. Architecture for the Blind | Angela Spangler. International WELL Building Institute



The World Institute of Psychology identifies multiple links between mood, behavior and learning, and the objects and spaces we interact with and occupy daily. The World Health Organization considers questions like the global increase in dementia as issues that can be tackled, in part, through design. The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research underlines how environments can actively exclude whole sections of society by design itself. The Effective Learning Environments initiative of the OECD aims to improve learning environments for the 21st century.

At the same time, the Industrial Designers Society of America sees product design in the light of inclusivity for people of all abilities, geographies and cultures and the US Department of Arts and Culture argues art has a three-fold role to play in nurturing a culture of health: prevention, advocacy and treatment. The American Institute of Architects lists user experience and inclusivity as essential components of design education and thinking, while the Interior Design Educators Council highlights ‘human orientated design’ as essential to good practice in all fields, whether that be the design of schools, classrooms, health spaces, retail, offices or the home.

In this now well intricate and integrated context, this conference offers a unique invitation to engage in cross disciplinary discourse around the role of people, objects and environments and how our individual practices and professions are, in reality, inseparable from each other.

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