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IWCoCo 2020 : International Workshop on the Computing Continuum 2020


When Jan 20, 2020 - Jan 20, 2020
Where Bologna, Italy
Submission Deadline Nov 15, 2019
Notification Due Nov 30, 2019
Categories    computer architecture   distributed computing   HPC   heterogenous systems

Call For Papers

IWCoCo 2020: First International Workshop on the Computing Continuum 2020, Bologna, Italy, January 20, 2020

Extended Deadline: November 15th 2019

Workshop website:
Submission link:
Abstract Submission deadline: October 30, 2019 (extended to: November 15th)
Notification of Acceptance: November 30, 2019


This is the first International Workshop on the Computing Continuum 2020 to be held on 20th January 2020 in conjunction with the HiPEAC 2020 conference in Bologna.

The face of computing has changed dramatically in recent years. A large variety of devices such as simple sensors and microcontrollers, edge computers, mobile devices, laptops, servers, clusters, and HPC systems build a ubiquitous infrastructure, called the Computing Continuum. Many of today’s applications from areas such as industrial production (Industry 4.0), social networks, precision medicine, and large scientific experiments require a dynamically varying amount of compute and storage capacity for gathering and processing large data sets to form the basis for advanced services. The need for dynamics is due to changes in the data rates, the services request rates, as well as the delivery process.

The resources of the continuum are typically shared among different tenants and applications. Sharing resources is, for example, the driving force in today’s cloud offerings and their extensions into distributed infrastructures in the form of edge and fog computing as well as the mobile extensions based on radio networks. Efficient sharing requires dynamic and data- and application-aware scheduling of tasks onto the available resources. Further, careful resource management and resource isolation are used to enable performance guarantees. This is especially important in HPC and embedded computing. Sharing reduces over-provisioning but requires careful dynamic management of shared resources, including on-chip communication, memory hierarchy, and power.

This workshop goal is to gather application scenarios as well as resource management technologies for the Computing Continuum.

Submission Guidelines

We are looking for visionary presentations, technical presentations, experience reports, and presentations on current and future applications for the Computing Continuum. We would like to assemble a diverse program that covers as many aspects as possible to guide future work in the direction of the Computing Continuum. 

To facilitate the submission of presentations, we ask for extended abstracts (1-2 pages). Please submit your proposal via the EasyChair system of IWCoCo 2020 before 15th November 2019 (extended deadline).  Notification of acceptance 30th November 2019.

The abstracts will be reviewed and selected abstracts will be invited for a presentation. Presenters are welcome to submit an extended version to the Elsevier Special Issue on Scalable and Secure IoT using Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing.

List of Topics

Topics to be covered include:

- Distributed scientific, social, web, IoT, and enterprise applications
- Application architecture models such as workflows, microservices, function-as-a-service, and cloud native applications, streaming applications
- Concepts for resource-aware programming
- Application characterization and performance modeling
- Dynamic application tuning for performance and energy
- Smart orchestration and self-adaptive resource provisioning
- Horizontal and vertical auto-scaling across cloud and edge
- Operating system concepts
- Computer systems and computer architectures for the compute continuum
- Communication models

Program Committee

- Cristina Abad, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral
- Ihsen Alouani, LAMIH/UMR CNRS, Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France
- Shajulin Benedict, Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam
- Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory & The University of Chicago
- Song Fu, University of North Texas
- Andreas Gerstlauer, The University of Texas at Austin
- Paolo Ienne, EPFL-IC-LAP
- Kenneth Kent, University of New Brunswick
- Yunho Oh, EPFL
- Panos Patros, University of Waikato
- Vladimir Podolskiy, Technical University of Munich
- Krzysztof Rzadca, University of Warsaw
- Tobias Schuele, Siemens AG
- Martin Schulz, Technical University of Munich
- Muhammad Shafique, Vienna University of Technology
- Cristina Silvano, Politecnico di Milano
- Johan Tordsson, Umeå University & Elastisys AB
- Felix Wolf, Technical University of Darmstadt

Workshop Chairs

- Michael Gerndt, Technical University of Munich
- Sven Karlsson, Ericsson
- Walter Stechele, Technical University of Munich

Organization Chair

- Vladimir Podolskiy, Technical University of Munich


The workshop will be held at Bologna Polo Congressuale in Bologna, Italy in conjunction with HiPEAC 2020 conference on 20th January 2020 as a full-day workshop.


All questions about submissions should be emailed to

Related Resources

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SPM 2025   12th International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Multimedia
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