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CCI 2020 : Joint Congress on Computational Intelligence 2020, Mashhad, Iran


When Mar 4, 2020 - Mar 6, 2020
Where Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Submission Deadline Oct 22, 2019
Notification Due Dec 22, 2019
Categories    fuzzy and intelligent systems   swarm intelligence   evolutionary computation

Call For Papers

First Joint Congress on Computational Intelligence, 4-6 March 2020, Mashhad, Iran.
Artificial Intelligence for Good
The CCI2020 aims to provide a unique meeting opportunity for all of the Iranian and international academics, students as well as industrial representatives, to present their original research on the diverse fields of computational intelligence and their innovative applications. This is the first joint gathering of two well- regarded scientific events, (1) the 8th Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems (CFIS2020) and (2) the 4th Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation (CSIEC2020). The CFIS2020 itself consists of two highly successful conferences, (1) the 19th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems (ICFS2020), and (2) the 17th Conference on Intelligent Systems (CIS2020). With the addition of the CSIEC2020, on a complementary topic of evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence, we hope this event will further encourage cross-fertilization of ideas on the diverse fields of computational intelligence and to become the largest gathering of the CI community in Iran and the region.
This year’s congress theme is ‘AI -for-Good’ and accordingly is scheduled on the national ‘Good-Deeds’ week. As such, we hope to address the many profound ways in which artificial intelligence can serve human societies in good causes and help make a better world. The Congress has both English and Persian speaking sessions. Hence, we hope to have strong participation by both Persian-speaking and English-speaking colleagues around the world.
Topics Relevant topics to computational intelligence, including but not limited to:
Fuzzy Logic and Systems, Fuzzy Mathematics and Statistics, Rough Sets, Uncertainty and Fuzzy logic, Deep Learning and Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning and Optimization, Reinforcement Learning, Stochastic Processes, Probabilistic Reasoning, Evolutionary Computation, Multiagent Systems and Swarm Intelligence, Ant Algorithms, Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Pattern Recognition, Game Theory, Graph Theory, Decision Theory, Multicriteria Decision Making, Fractals and Chaotic Systems, Philosophy of Science, and Cognitive Sciences.
As well as applications in AI for Good, Big Data, Systems of Systems, Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Social Networks, Internet of Things, Human Centered Computing, Crowd Sourcing and Collective Intelligence, Distributed and Pervasive Computing, Ambient Intelligence, Sensory Fusion, Geographical information systems, Renewable Energy Systems, Agriculture, Social Sciences, E-Health Care and Well-being, Brain- Computer Interface, Security and Forensics, E-Commerce, Bioinformatics, Transportation, Natural Language Processing, Next Generation Networks, Robotics and Automation, Machine Vision, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Web-based Learning, Intelligence and Governance, Nano & Micro Systems, E-Justice, E-Pilgrimage, Operations Research as well as other Emergent Technologies and Applications.
Paper Submission
Papers should be submitted electronically through the congress web site. All regular and industrial papers will be peer reviewed and ranked based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality, and clarity. Submitted papers should follow the conference style as explained on our website,
Call for Special Sessions
Special sessions are expected to be organized by well recognized experts on the topic. They aim to bring together researchers in special focus topics. Cross fertilization of the various aspects of the congress and newly emerging topics are strongly encouraged. Deadline for special sessions is October 6, 2019.
Call for Tutorials and Workshops
Proposals are solicited for tutorials and workshops within the diverse conference topics for both the academic as well as the industrial attendees. Workshops for industrial audience is particularly welcomed. Deadline for proposed tutorials and workshops is October 6, 2019 ( ۴ ۱ هامرهم ۸ ۹ ۱۳ ).
Call for Competitions
A competition proposal should include description(s) of the problem(s) addressed, the evaluation procedure, and a biography of the organizers. Attending to key problems of the modern society and AI-for-Good is particularly encouraged. Deadline for proposed competitions is October 6, 2019 ( ۴ ۱ هامرهم ۸ ۱۳۹ ).

First Joint Congress on Computational Intelligence
Center of Excellence on Soft Computing and Intellig

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