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Decisioning 2022 : Decisioning 2022: Collaboration in knowledge discovery and decision making: Applications to sustainable agriculture | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://congresos.unlp.edu.ar/decisioning/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Call for Papers
Sustainable agriculture is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) proposed by the United Nations, but little systematic work on Knowledge Discovery and Decision Making has been applied to it. Knowledge discovery and decision making are becoming active research areas in the last years. The era of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data science, in which linked data with a high degree of variety and different degrees of veracity can be easily correlated and put in perspective to have an empirical and scientific perception of best practices in sustainable agricultural domain. This requires combining multiple methods such as elicitation, specification, validation, technologies from semantic web, information retrieval, formal concept analysis, collaborative work, semantic interoperability, ontological matching, specification, smart contracts, and multiple decision making. Decisioning 2022 is the first workshop on Collaboration in knowledge discovery and decision making: Applications to sustainable agriculture. It has been organized by six research teams from France, Argentina, Colombia and Chile, to explore the current frontier of knowledge and applications in different areas related to knowledge discovery and decision making. The format of this workshop aims at the discussion and knowledge exchange between the academy and industry members. Decisioning 2022 invites submission in the following topics. Papers presenting original results on research, teaching and industrial viewpoints are welcome. In this edition, the selection process will consider applicability, relevance, and originality related to sustainable agriculture. Papers and doctoral reports accepted will be published in the UNLP repository. Place of the Event: Postgrado, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Calle 50 y 120, 2 º piso. CP (1900), La Plata. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Topics of Interest The topics of interest are not exhaustive: Knowledge Discovering Applications Knowledge Representation and Modeling Knowledge Maintenance Knowledge Elicitation Knowledge-Based Systems Knowledge applications to sustainability and agriculture Expert Systems Decision Support Systems Content Management and Knowledge Management Systems Workflow Management Systems Ontology Engineering (Modeling, Mapping, Integration) Data Mining Knowledge representation and ontologies to sustainability and agriculture Natural Language Processing Text Mining, Classification and Summarization Information Storage, Annotation and Retrieval Unstructured and Semi-Structured Data Retrieval Data Simulation, Modeling, and Visualization Information and Knowledge Integration Knowledge graphs Knowledge graphs applied to sustainability and agriculture. General Chairs: Dr. Diego Torres, Universidad Nacional de La Plata-Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina. (diego.torres@lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar) Dr. Leandro Antonelli, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. (leandro.antonelli@lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar) Organizing Committee: Dr. Alejandro Fernandez, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. (alejandro.fernandez@lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar) Dr. Mario Lezoche, Université de Lorreine, France. (mario.lezoche@univ-lorraine.fr) Dr. Pascale Zarate, Université de Toulouse, France. (Pascale.Zarate@ut-capitole.fr) Dr. Cesar Collazos, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia. (ccollazo@unicauca.edu.co) Dr. Hernan Astudillo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile. (hernan@inf.utfsm.cl) Dra. Regina Motz, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. (rmotz@fing.edu.uy) Doctoral Symposium Chair Dr. Cesar Collazos, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia. (ccollazo@unicauca.edu.co) Program Committee Chairs Vanessa Agredo Delgado, Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca-Unicomfacauca, Colombia. (vagredo@unicomfacauca.edu.co) Alejandra Beatriz Lliteras, UNLP-Facultad de Informática-LIFIA-CICPBA, Argentina. (alejandra.lliteras@lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar) Submission Instructions Articles must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference, or previously published or submitted elsewhere. In addition, they will be scanned using a plagiarism check tool. Full papers – scientific research papers, surveying works and industrial experiences describing significant advances. Submissions must be written in English, 12 to 15 pages long. Authors are requested to remove personal data, the acknowledgements section and any reference that may reveal the identity of the authors. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ instructions and use the proceedings templates, either for LaTeX, MS Word, for the preparation of their papers. Short papers – early results or work in progress with initial findings. Papers should be 4 to 6 pages long, including bibliography. Submissions can be written in English or in Spanish, but in the last case Title and Abstract are required also in English. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ instructions and use the proceedings templates, either for LaTeX, MS Word, for the preparation of their papers. All paper submissions (full and short) will be reviewed by three experts and returned to the author(s). All papers must be submitted through EasyChair, using PDF format only. Name of the file should be preceded for the type of article [Full] o [Short] Doctoral Symposium - Report should be 2 to 3 pages long, including bibliography. Submissions should clearly indicate the category of the submission (Early Stage -ES- or Middle/Late Stage -MS- LS-) and should adopt the following template of sections after the Title and Abstract: Introduction/Motivation: Give a general introduction to the domain/area/topic State of the Art: Describe existing work in the area, work focusing on the same/similar problems or that might be useful to realizing your Ph.D. Problem Statement and Contributions: Based on motivation and state of the art, formulate the problem you intend to solve, and how you intend to contribute to the research area. Research Methodology and Approach: Describe the research methodology you will apply in your research, including the different steps from the formulation of your research questions to answering them. Also describe the approach you are taking (or you intend to take for Early Stage submissions) to instantiate the research methodology, hence contributing to solve the problem described in Section 3 and confirm or reject your hypothesis. Discuss how this approach is innovative and novel, and how it is (might be) implemented. Evaluation Plan: Describe your evaluation plan, which is the way you intend to validate your hypothesis, your results, and the value of your approach. For Early Stage submissions, this might be only partially defined, and details might be omitted. For Late Stage submissions, you might have partial evaluation results. Preliminary or Intermediate Results: Being at an intermediate stage, you should report here about the results achieved up to now in applying your approach that might not yet be sufficient for a full evaluation. Conclusions and Learned Lessons : Present your intermediate conclusions and lessons learned. Describe how your results will or might impact research or the world at large. We do neither expect you to have solved all issues nor expect you to have finished your Ph.D. However, we expect you to show an understanding of these issues (although open) and to have a clear plan to address them. This symposium is the best place to discuss these issues and plans with experienced researchers and fellow students to get informed feedback! Ph.D. Stage: Early/Middle or Late Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ instructions and use the proceedings templates, either for LaTeX, MS Word, for the preparation of their reports. Submissions can be written in English or in Spanish, in the last case Title and abstract in English and Spanish language are required. Reports will be evaluated in a closed reviewing process. All reports must be submitted through EasyChair, using PDF format only. Name of the file should be preceded for the type of article [Doctoral ES] ,[Doctoral MS] or [Doctoral LS] Important Dates (for papers and reports) Paper submission: May 16, 2022 (Strong!) Notification due: June 16, 2022 Final version (camera ready): July 16, 2022 Workshop: June 30 to July 1, 2022 |