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SCIS 2020 : 4th IEEE Conference on Smart Cities and Innovative Systems


When Dec 12, 2020 - Dec 18, 2020
Where Agadir – Essaouira
Submission Deadline Jun 28, 2020
Notification Due Aug 30, 2020
Final Version Due Sep 13, 2020
Categories    smart cities   smart mobility   emotic automation   cyber security

Call For Papers

The 4th IEEE Conference on Smart Cities and Innovative Systems will be held in parallel with the IEEE CiSt’2020 international congress the week of December 12th – 18th 2020 in Agadir - Essaouira, Morocco.

The main objective of this conference is to bring together academic scientists, research scholars and industrials to share and exchange their latest developments and advances on specific aspects related to the smart city technological development. Indeed, developing Smart Cities by acquiring cutting-edge technological platforms and systems is an ongoing global effort where integration and convergence of Electrical/Electronic, hardware, software, and wireless communication systems in intelligible platforms is a need for ensuring sophisticated and standardized city-scale infrastructure deployments. Yet, despite these possibilities, researchers and practitioners are still facing a broad range of conceptual and technical challenges when targeting the city as an application scenario.

Therefore, this conference is an opportunity for participants to exchange ideas on solutions and to present their latest research results, fostering the discussion on what should be the future technological trend in areas like Wireless Connectivity, Electrical/Electronic devices, Embedded Technologies and Network architectures for building efficient and innovative solutions for smart cities.

We solicit submissions of original ideas and papers describing results and developments from both researchers and practitioners in fields addressing directions in the following interdisciplinary topics:

Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart Mobility
Territorial Intelligence
Smart Services, Urban Logistics Innovations and Smart Manufacturing
Smart Building and Demotic Automation
Smart Grids
Smart Electrical / Electronic devices, Microelectronic design
Integrated circuits and Embedded Technologies
Internet of Things networking and communication
Vehicular ad-hoc networks and wireless connectivity
Sensing and Smart Environments
Cyber Security for Smart Cities

Prospective authors should submit by using the online paper submission platform, a paper up to 6 pages describing their original work using the IEEE template.

Accepted papers will be published in the proceeding in the IEEE Xplore Library, Scopus and DBLP. Furthermore, Authors of high quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for potential publication in a special issue/section of an international journal.


For any inquiry, contact us by email at:

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